XPS studies on WO2.90 and WO2.72 and the influence of metallic ...
1983年10月1日 · In WO 2.72 the charge carriers produce fivevalent tungsten only fractionally, the remaining electrons filling up the conduction band. A structural interpretation is proposed. The introduction of metallic impurities of V, Ni, and Nb increases the density of the fivevalent states.
The multi-surface structure and catalytic properties of partially ...
1995年12月29日 · The catalytic activity of WO2 is attributed to the presence of a certain density of states of the 5d, 6s electrons present at the Fermi-level on the W4+ cation and observed in the XPS of the valence band energy region of WO2.
XPS spectra for WS2, WS2/WO3, and WO3. (a) Full-range XPS …
In this work, a facile oxidation strategy was developed to prepare novel tungsten disulfide/tungsten trioxide (WS2/WO3) heterostructures for adsorbing organic dyes efficiently by combining the...
钨 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
当对薄膜进行建设剖析时(如剖析 W 表面的 WO 3 ),扣背底模式选择 Smart 模式。 例如,Linear 或者 Shirley 模式可用于 WO 3 扣背底,但是不适用于 W 金属。 氧化钨被氩离子束还原,形成一系列氧化态化合物。 深度剖析时尽量使用最低能量的离子束或者用团簇模式对样品进行清洁(如果有的话)。 钨的元素符号 “W” 源自其原名 “wolfram”。 钨存在于黑钨矿等矿石中,由于 Peter Wolfe 率先假设钨存在于黑钨矿中,因此根据 Peter Wolfe 命名了钨。 钨极耐腐蚀,暴露 …
XPS表征的部分还原WO3、WO2和WC+O2或W+O2的多表面结构 …
报告了 WO3、WO2、W (0)、WC、W (0) + O2 和 WC + O2 在不同实验条件下的 XPS。 在相对纯的 W (0) 和 WC 表面上观察到产生甲烷的主要产品的 2-甲基戊烷的广泛氢解反应。 在 WO2 或部分氧化的 W (0) 和 WC 表面上观察到相同反应物的异构化反应,而本体 WO3 在反应开始时没有表现出任何催化反应性。 WO2 的催化活性归因于在 W4+ 阳离子的费米能级上存在一定密度的 5d、6s 电子,并在 WO2 价带能区的 XPS 中观察到。 这种通过 H2 和本体 WO3 或存在于 W (0) 或 …
W4f X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra of WO2.72 …
Download scientific diagram | W4f X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra of WO2.72 prepared by reduction at 650 °C under CO atmosphere. from publication: Highly Efficient Near Infrared...
XPS study of MoO2, WO2 and WO3 and their catalytic
1997年1月1日 · Rich oxygen vacancies (OVs) in WO2 NRs play a fundamental role in MOA induced catalytic H2 evolution reaction, because they guarantee the favorable chemisorption of molecular O2 on catalyst...
The multi-surface structure and catalytic properties of partially ...
1995年12月29日 · The catalytic activity of WO 2 is attributed to the presence of a certain density of states of the 5d, 6s electrons present at the Fermi-level on the W 4+ cation and observed in the XPS of the valence band energy region of WO 2.
XPS studies on WO2.90 and WO2.72 and the influence of metallic ...
Bulk and surface properties of Pd/WO3 and Pd/WO2 catalysts were studied using temperature programmed reduction, X-ray diffraction, X-ray absorption, and X-ray photoelectron …
XPS studies on WO2.90 and WO2.72 and the influence of metallic ...
XPS studies on WO2.90 and WO2.72 and the influence of metallic impurities Journal of Solid State Chemistry ( IF3.3 ) Pub Date : 1983, DOI: 10.1016/s0022-4596 (83)80009-7 R. Gehlig , E. Salje , A.F. Carley , M.W. Roberts