Structure, binding energy and optoelectrical properties of p-type CuI ...
2020年2月1日 · P-type CuI film is prepared by solid iodization evaporated copper. The exact chemical states of Cu and I is analyzed by XPS spectra. XPS measurements show the films …
Light-assisted defects migration in cuprous iodide (CuI)
2022年4月15日 · UV irradiation induced defects evolution was also observed in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and auger electron spectroscopy (AES). Finally, we …
Effective dopants for CuI single nanocrystals as a promising room ...
2020年12月1日 · X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis was performed to investigate the elemental chemical states of pure and Tb-doped CuI NPs. Fig. 5 a shows the XPS survey …
Figure 3. XPS spectra of the core level regions of (a) Cu 2p and (b) I...
Wide-scan XPS surface analysis confirmed the presence of the constituent elements of Cu, I, and Zn in the as-prepared CuI-based thin films, ( Figure S3) and XPS fine-scan analysis revealed...
碘化亚铜 (CuI) 中的光辅助缺陷迁移,Journal of Alloys and …
我们报告了光辅助碘离子在 CuI 中的迁移 - 一种流行的宽带隙 p 型半导体,它是通过在碘溶液中碘化 Cu 膜合成的。 使用 X 射线衍射 (XRD)、选区电子衍射 (SAED)、高分辨率透射电子显微镜 …
XPS spectra showing (a) Cu 2p (b) I 3 d, and (c) Survey spectra of ...
High resolution XPS spectrum of Cu 2p shows two strong peaks at 932.3 eV and 952.0 eV which is consistent with Cu 2p 1/2 and Cu 2p 3/ 2 states shows in Fig. 5 (a). The absence of any...
Figure 4 (a) XPS spectra of Cu 2p3/2 and 2p1/2, (b) XPS spectra of I
EDS and XPS results confirmed the presence of Cu ions in the samples. Data about the morphological features and chemical composition of CuHAp thin films were obtained by …
CuI by XPS,Surface Science Spectra - X-MOL
中文翻译: XPS的CuI 提出了高纯度CuI的X射线光发射测量。在该实验室中对铜化合物进行XPS研究的动机是,需要鉴定化学刻蚀的高温超导体表面上的物种[参见RP Vasquez,MC Foote …
CuI by XPS | Surface Science Spectra | AIP Publishing
1993年4月1日 · X-ray photoemission measurements of high purity CuI are presented. XPS studies of Cu compounds in this laboratory have been motivated by the need to identify sp
γ-CuI from ionic liquid/poly(ionic liquid)s precursors with ...
The phase composition, morphology, and electronic states of the synthesized CuI samples are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray …