The Big One - Extinction Rebellion UK
The invitation is for everybody to Unite to Survive at ‘The Big One’ – a four day action from the 21st to the 24th April 2023, where people from all groups and movements, not just XR, will gather throughout Westminster and at the Houses of Parliament.
Extinction Rebellion - Wikipedia
On 16 November 2023, a jury acquitted nine members of XR who together had caused £500,000 worth of criminal damage to the windows of the London headquarters of HSBC bank two years prior as a climate protest. The defendants did not dispute the facts of the case.
XR London - United Kingdom | 反抗灭绝 - Extinction Rebellion
由XR全球支持,用爱和愤怒制造反抗灭绝(XR)是一个一起动手的运动。 我们所有的设计和艺术作品都可以非商业性地用于拯救地球的目的。 这并不意味着为筹款而制作商品,也不意味着将销售额的一定比例寄给XR。 我们不会为任何商品背书或制作任何商品,我们将追究并起诉任何这样做的人。 灭绝符号是由街头艺术家ESP在2011年设计的,他在同样的基础上借给XR使用:extinctionsymbol.info• il.ly. 所有反灭London即将举办的活动、新闻和社交媒体,每天更新。 …
XR Events - Extinction Rebellion UK
Find upcoming environmental protest actions, events and training across the UK to tackle the climate crisis. Explore the map and check out XR resources and training.
Timeline of Extinction Rebellion actions - Wikipedia
Beginning early on Monday 14 October, hundreds of XR activists occupied Bank junction, outside the Bank of England in the City of London, London's financial district, focussing on the financial institutions "funding environmental destruction".
Home - Extinction Rebellion UK
Extinction Rebellion is demanding fair and transparent change, to ensure the future of all life on Earth. Our week of protest and actions across the UK was epic. Ready to make the campaign bigger and bolder? Don’t Pay for Dirty Water is an autonomous campaign of …
XR London - United Kingdom - Extinction Rebellion
All the upcoming events, news and social media for XR London, updated every day. Join Extinction Rebellion London, and take your place in the rebellion!
XR (@xr.london) • Instagram photos and videos
The choice is yours, all of our house favourites are available for delivery and takeaway today from 11:30! 🍔🥘🥩🍨 Available to order for delivery on @deliveroo & @supperlondon or call us on 0207 486 3222 to order for collection! . . . . . #Lockdown #London #Delivery #Deliveroo #Supper #Sliders #CookieDough #Steak #Takeaway
Extinction Rebellion London (@xr_london) - Instagram
Last night, our rebels forced the UK’s top insurers to face up to their lethal role in climate breakdown with the launch of XR’s ‘Insure Our Survival’, a campaign demanding the insurance industry pull the plug on new oil, gas and coal ventures.
Home | Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion is a decentralised, international and politically non-partisan movement using non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Sign up to the XR London newsletter to keep up to date with local events and news. Check your inbox for a welcome message!