High-quality EuO thin films the easy way via topotactic ... - Nature
2015年7月16日 · Here we exploit a topotactic reduction reaction to provide a non-ultra-high vacuum (UHV) means of growing highly oriented single crystalline thin films of the easily over-oxidized half-metallic...
Europium monoxide nanocrystalline thin films with high near …
2018年10月31日 · Analysis of the XRD peak profile indicates that the films are nanocrystalline (average crystallite size of 11 nm) with a compressive residual strain. The formation of stoichiometric EuO is further confirmed by a strong signal from …
XRD spectrum of EuO films with Lorentzian fitting for (220) EuO …
An example of the XRD spectrum of a EuO films grown at a vacuum pressure of 4.4•10 -5 is presented in Fig. 1 and shows two high intensity peaks, the first at 33.03° corresponding to the (211 ...
Epitaxial integration of the highly spin-polarized ... - Nature
2007年9月16日 · With the aim of making epitaxial EuO 1−x films accessible as a source for highly spin-polarized electrons, we systematically optimized their structural and magnetotransport properties before ...
The characterization of EuO nanocrystals using synchrotron light
2008年9月30日 · We have studied the physical structure, optical property, electronic band structure and atomic structure of europium oxide (EuO) nanocrystals. The physical structures of nanocrystals are confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
[1706.08291] Highly oriented EuO nanocrystalline films via reduction ...
2017年6月26日 · Nanocrystalline textured EuO thin films are prepared by an oxygen loss process from a pure Eu2O3 bulk ceramic target through pulsed laser deposition in vacuum at room temperature. X-ray diffraction spectra evidence a well-defined diffraction peak corresponding to the EuO phase textured along the (110) direction.
Adsorption-controlled growth of EuO by molecular-beam epitaxy
2008年9月10日 · Using molecular-beam epitaxy, we demonstrate the adsorption-controlled growth of epitaxial EuO films on single crystalline (110) YAlO 3 substrates. Four-circle x-ray diffraction (XRD) reveals phase-pure, epitaxial, (001)-oriented films with rocking curve full width at half maxima as narrow as 34 arc sec ( 0.0097 °) .
Direct epitaxial integration of the ferromagnetic oxide EuO with …
2024年12月25日 · Diffraction techniques establish epitaxy of EuO directly on GaAs. The resulting EuO/GaAs heterostructure demonstrates a robust ferromagnetism. The results provide a working technology to make a direct spin contact EuO/GaAs. Oxides and their heterostructures exhibit a plethora of functional properties with a potential for new device concepts.
Making EuO multiferroic by epitaxial strain engineering - Nature
2020年10月14日 · We investigate the ferroelectric phase transition using infrared reflectance spectroscopy, finding that the frequency of the soft optical phonon reduces with increasing tensile strain and...
High resolution XPS spectrum of EuO films. (a) Eu 3d (b) Eu 4d.
Nanocrystalline textured EuO thin films are prepared by an oxygen loss process from a pure Eu2O3 bulk ceramic target through pulsed laser deposition in vacuum at room temperature. X-ray...