B+W XS-Pro Filters (UV/Protection, CPL, and variable ND) Review
2015年3月3日 · B+W's XS-Pro line are their newest line of filters aimed at modern photographers. They combine the same great B+W optics and coatings with a new thinner mounting ring that still retains front threads.
如何评价掌阅SmartXs Pro?叫好不叫座的8英寸阅读器! - 知乎
Smart Xs Pro是集显示、书写、轻便等比较出色的产品,奈何市场并不买账,主要是价格原因,属于叫好不叫座的产品,目前,某东掌阅iReader旗舰店只有少量产品在售,我猜测官方也是打算趁着双十一清理库存了,清理完余下库存,大概率也不会上架了。
請教B+W濾鏡的XS-PRO系列問題 - Mobile01
2011年11月12日 · 各位版大好:小弟最近想購入16-35mm,所已上網找了一下B+W的濾鏡,發現目前最新款的XS-PRO系列,不過這個系列似乎又分為:CLEAR MRC 007和UV MRC (010M)看了半天還是不曉得這兩款的差異,不曉得是否有大大可協助說明捏~相關網址:http://www.fuji... (影像器材周邊 第1頁)
B+W F-Pro or XS-Pro line? - Digital Photography Review
2021年9月7日 · No. F-Pro are just the older, thicker mounts, while the newer XS-Pro are thinner and their latest T-Pro even thinner than the XS-Pro (for standard filter sizes: 4.4mm, 3.2mm, 2.9mm). F-Pro come with single or MRC coatings, both the …
B+W 72mm XS-Pro Clear with Multi-Resistant Nano Coating (007M)
2011年5月16日 · This filter uses our XS-Pro Digital mount which is especially suited for DSLRs with wide angle and zoom lenses. It has a front thread for additional accessories. All XS-Pro Digital mounts are made of brass and are matte black to prevent reflections. MRC nano has an improved outer (8th) layer over regular MRC.
B+W 95mm XS-Pro Clear Multi-Resistant Coating NANO (007M) …
2017年3月7日 · This filter fulfils the desire of many photographers for pure lens protection without a filter effect. Its only function is to keep dirt, sand, or splashes away from the front lens. The extremely Clear special glass with high transmission is MRC-finished.
B+W XS-Pro MRC超薄多层镀膜UV镜 - 什么值得买
XS-PRO系列滤镜是B+W的超薄型产品,XS-PRO DIGITAL系列滤镜均是MRC nano多层镀膜。 这种镀膜的硬度比MRC镀膜更为强化。 使用Nano技术的镀膜产生的荷叶效果更为明显,该镀膜防水、防污、防刮擦效果出众,使得清洁镜片表面更为容易。 67mm口径的国内淘宝BW旗舰店要475元,一些说不出真假的淘宝店也要300多元。 美亚目前41.58美元比之前52美元又优惠了10美元多,需要的可以入手了。 什么值得买是一家中立的消费门户网站,好价信息来自热心值友爆料 …
Choosing from the 4 different B+W filter - Digital Photography Review
2017年3月9日 · One seems to be XS-PRO, the other is F-Pro. Both are 007M, whatever that means. What are their differences? F-Pro has a substantial brass body. The XS-Pro are a thin low-profile filter. I like the heavier build quality of B+W F-Pro filters, but someone using filters on a wide-angle lens or stacking multiple filters might prefer the thin.
超薄专业滤镜 B+W XS-PRO UV/CPL评测 - fengniao.com
XS-PRO系列滤镜是B+W的超薄型产品,其所有产品均选用超薄型、并经过精密研磨的超平面光学镜片。 毕竟,再好的滤镜,对于镜头来讲都属于额外的光学元件,因此,越薄的光学镜片,对画质产生的影响也越小。 XS-PRO DIGITAL系列滤镜均是MRC nano多层镀膜。 这种镀膜的硬度比MRC镀膜更为强化。 使用Nano技术的镀膜产生的荷叶效果更为明显,使得清洁镜片表面更为容易。 滤镜不仅有滤光作用,为了保证镜头的成像质量,镜片本身需要进行镀镆处理,这样即可 …
B+W 49mm XS-Pro Digital Vario ND with Multi-Resistant Nano Coating
2015年3月19日 · Neutral Density Variable Filter allows photographer to set the density between +1 and +5 stops. XS-Pro Vario ND mount is an extra-wide design and should avoid vignetting concerns with most 17mm lenses on a full body frame. Multi-Resistant Coating (MRC) with Nano Technology with XS-Pro mount and brass ring construction
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