Unable to debug the data in ddr while using xsct tool while os …
Can you access this address wothout the OS running? ie you just program the PSU (either using the psu_init.tcl, or the fsbl) I would just use the watch window in SDK. It is safer
Widget - Xilinx Support
000034848 - 2022.2 Vitis: ERROR : Can't read "map": no such …
This is a known issue in Vitis 2022.2. It will be fixed in the next release of the tools. To work around this issue you can use the patch attached to this article. For installatio
Video Series 30 – Understanding Interlaced Video - Xilinx Support
What is the difference between Interlaced and Progressive video? For those following my video series, you might remember Video Beginner Series 16: Understanding Video Timing with
Widget - Xilinx Support
Kria Kv260 has the Raspberry Pi Camera interface and many discussion are over interfacing Raspberry Pi Camera on KV260. In this info post i am summarizing the references and resou