XXlite - RC Groups
2015年12月18日 · It might be interesting to desing an airfoil for these lower Reynoldsnumbers with a wider Cl range . This might be achieved by using a turbulator on the upper site of the airfoil just in front of the hinge line. Looking good Kristof, I find it interesting that some are going high AR (better L/D) and some have gone low AR (better Reynolds numbers).
xxlite build log - RC Groups
2012年2月23日 · I am following the XXlite thread with great interest. I wondered if such different concept relative to what is now dominating the F3K scene could be competitive. Because the first flight reports were positive and because building standards of Kristof are amongst the best, I decided to order one to find out how this plane performs.
Planes - F3K
通过展示不同的襟副翼设置参数,不同机型使用的特殊材料、特殊结构,以及各自适合的飞行方式,从而使得选手们更好的了解他们的特点,从中得到经验,为选手们自己设计专属的飞机提供有效的帮助。 当然,为了更加全面、准确、公正的描述飞机的性能,我们会引用来自多位选手的总结。 希望大家踊跃投稿! 投稿信箱 [email protected]. 简介: https://www.f3kf3k.com/planes/blaster-3. 机型参数: 购买地址: http://www.hyperflight.co.uk/products.asp?code=BLASTER-3. 厂商地 …
Helios and XXLite DLG - RC Groups
2012年2月7日 · The XXLite takes the Helios and goes a step further, more high performance, more radical in design. It's a new and very innovative design that utilizes the same Zone V2 foils matched to a wing planform with an extremely high A/R.
F3X Vault
XXLite: Plane Flying Disciplines: F3K - Hand Launch: Plane Wingspan: 149.0 cm Plane Length: 0.0 cm Plane Root Chord Length: 13.0 cm Plane Aspect Ratio: Plane AUW Range (Empty) 220.0 To 240.0 oz Plane Wing Area: 17.70 dm 2: Plane Tail Area ... F3K Hand Launch: 2: 2014-10-03: SCSA Open 2014:
2015F3k适用锂电池 | F3K
整体圆柱形容量900mah,在一些宽头机身我们可以组成1s2p的并联电池,达到1800mah的容量,比如 xxlite、steig. 都可以放下两个电池! 重量在34g左右。
F3X Vault - f3x.link
Plane Plane Type Plane Manufacturer Color Scheme; Snipe: F3K Vladimir Models: black and orange: XXLite: F3K Composite Gliders
F3X Vault - f3x.link
XXLite: F3K Composite Gliders: Orange wing tips: Pilot Club Affiliations. Club Name Club City State/Country; This pilot currently has no club affiliations. ... ISA F3K League Event 2014: Hockliffe, UK: Other, GB 5: 92.35%: Home; Flying Locations 665. Location Home; Location Browse; Location Map; Plane Database 700. Plane Home;
Razor F3K F5K - New Project from Tom Siler - RC Groups
2021年3月3日 · It's a F3K / F5K project with a high aspect ratio. Initially I wanted to build a "XXLite" replacement, modernized for current materials and techniques for F5K wing loading minimums. As I put that to the computer, it morphed quite a bit...
F3X Vault - f3x.link
XXLite: F3K Composite Gliders: Pilot Club Affiliations. Club Name Club City State/Country; This pilot currently has no club affiliations. ... Swinging Denmark F3K 2014: Brande Modelflyveklub: Other, DK 10: 82.00%: 2013-09-14: F3K World Cup Hand-Launch-Spartakiade: Flugplatz Zerbst: Other, DE 0: 0.00%: Home;