Graphing Calculator - Desmos
Explore math with our beautiful, free online graphing calculator. Graph functions, plot points, visualize algebraic equations, add sliders, animate graphs, and more.
Solve for x Calculator - Mathway
The solve for x calculator allows you to enter your problem and solve the equation to see the result. Solve in one variable or many.
“XXY” or “XYY”:带你走进真实的“第三性别”群体 - 知乎
截至妊娠6周为止,胚胎都还没有性别,属双性共体。无论性染色体是xx还是xy,人类胎儿都有一对生殖嵴和两副导管,具有形成睾丸或卵巢的双向潜能。 直到第7周,胎儿才开始进行性分化。如果胎儿为xy染色体,y染色体上一个叫做sry的基因就会开始发挥作用。
Graph x-y=6 | Mathway
Graph the line using the slope and the y-intercept, or the points. Free math problem solver answers your algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and statistics homework questions with step-by-step explanations, just like a math tutor.
染色体病科普之克氏综合征(47,XXY) - 知乎专栏
How do you find (d^2y)/(dx^2) given x^2y+xy^2=6? - Socratic
2017年3月30日 · How do you find d2y dx2 given x2y + xy2 = 6? d2y dx2 = 4y(2x + y)(x +y) x2(x +2y)2 − 2xy2(2x +y)2 (x(x +2y))3 − 2y x(x + 2y) Generally differentiation problems involve functions i.e. y = f (x) - written explicitly as functions of x. However, some functions y are written implicitly as functions of x.
Klinefelter syndrome - Wikipedia
Klinefelter syndrome (KS), also known as 47,XXY, is a chromosome anomaly where a male has an extra X chromosome. [10] These complications commonly include infertility and small, poorly functioning testicles (if present).
男性的染色体是XY,女性是XX,那染色体是YY的人会是什么样子? …
XX男性的情况表明,SRY基因也可以存在于X染色体中,这是XX男性综合征存在的基础,发病的几率是1/20000。 而XY女性则是因为Y染色体中的SRY基因缺失,这种情况则表明,没有Y染色体的基因,胚胎依然有可能发育完成。 从这两点中也很容易得出一个结论,Y染色体的重要性远不如X染色体。 事实上,不仅仅如此,Y染色体的重要性甚至到了可有可无的地步,所以人类的Y染色体一直在缩短,并且很有可能在不久的将来完全消失。 Y染色体正在消失. 几乎所有的哺乳动物 …
Solve Linear equations with two unknowns x+y=20;x-y=6
Step by step solution of a set of 2, 3 or 4 Linear Equations using the Substitution Method x+y=20;x-y=6 Tiger Algebra Solver
有没有性染色体为XXYY的人? - 知乎
2025年1月7日 · 众所周知,xxy是克氏综合征,xyy是超雄综合征。克氏综合征是卵细胞在减数分裂的过程中产生异常,超雄则恰…
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