eat like a somali: Xalwad Reer Xamar (Mogadishan Halva) - Blogger
2013年3月15日 · Xalwad Reer Xamar (Mogadishan Halva) The phrase “Xalwad Reer Xamar” shows how tribal the Somali people really are, as it literally means “Halva of the Clan of Hamar.” The word “hamar” is the Arabic word for redden ( حمرْ ), but it’s also the name (unofficially) used by Somalis for Mogadishu.
Hamar (Xamar), its people being the Reer Hamar. Original material on lineage structure and descent patterns, and cultural expressions through festivals and ritual, has been
Define Reer Xamar | Somali Spot | Forum, News, Videos
2019年3月9日 · The Benadiri people (Somali: Reer Benaadir, Arabic: بناديري), also known as Reer Xamar(pronounced "Hamar") or "people of Xamar", are a multiracial confederation of clans. Members largely inhabit the Banadir region in south-central Somalia .
Mogadishu - Wikipedia
Mogadishu, [a] locally known as Xamar or Hamar, is the capital and most populous city of Somalia. The city has served as an important port connecting traders across the Indian Ocean for millennia and has an estimated urban population of 2,610,483.
Halva - Wikipedia
Halva (also halvah, halwa, halua, [1] and other spellings; Arabic: حلوى Bhojpuri:𑂯𑂪𑂳𑂄, Hindi: हलवा, Persian: حلوا, Urdu: حلوا) is a type of confectionery that is widely spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa, the Balkans, Central Asia, and South Asia.
Shekadii Xamar Xalwaan, iyo Maxaa laga Baran karaa - Hiiraan Online
Daka Xamar Xalwaan, ma ahayn dad dhulka wax ku beerta, ama xoolaha dhaqda, xiriina lama aysan laheeyn dadka deggan gudaha dalka, sida beeraleeyda iyo xoolaaleyda ba. Waxaa raashinka iyo waxyaabaha muhiimka u ahaa noloshooda u keeni jiray dooman ka …
Somali Xalwo - Our Small Table
2017年4月5日 · Massively popular in Somalia, I understand that xalwo (pronounced halwa) was originally for special occasions only--weddings and greater Eid, for example--but has in the last few years become available less expensively and is now eaten far more often.
Somali Halwa : Xalwad - Mysomalifood
2013年7月30日 · Somali Halwa also known as: Xalwad, Halwo or Halwad is a popular sweet, it is made of sugar, cornstarch, oil and for the spices nutmeg and cardamom are used. There is one with peanut added at the end. It is usually served with cup of Somali spiced tea. Bring the sugar and the water to boil.
Ciidanka Deegaanka Xamar oo fuliyay Amar kasoo baxay Duqa …
2020年2月16日 · Howgal ay ciidanka Deegaanka Xamar ka sameeyeen wadooyinka magaalada Muqdisho ayey ku qab qabteen lo’ badan oo wadooyinka dhax joogay, waxaana xoolahaasi la geeyay xarunta Baadi-Qabadka oo dhawaan dib-udhis lagu sameeyay. Maamulka gobolka Banaadir ayaa sheegay in ciidamada ay wadooyinka kasoo aruuriyeen
Xalwo: Somali Sweet Halwa - Travel & Food Info Blog
2024年8月24日 · Xalwo, also known as Somali halwa, is a beloved traditional sweet treat in Somali culture. Made with a blend of sugar, butter, flour, and aromatic spices like cardamom and nutmeg, this rich, jelly-like confection is often served during special occasions such as weddings, Eid, and other celebrations.
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