Xan Kriegor - Unreal Wiki
Strangely enough, Xan is regarded as entirely robotic in UT2004 onwards; but fragging Xan in the first UT generates partially bloodied gibs. A fan speculation was that the Xan-MKIII is an …
守望先锋的老祖宗:虚幻竞技场2004介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
★实时的3d音效:ut2004支持eax环境音效,让玩家可以使用麦克风和耳机直接用语音相互交流。 ★经典角色再度登场:包括Malcolm、ClanLord和声名狼藉的Xan Kriegor在内的人气选手亦出 …
魔域幻境之浴血战场2004 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《魔域幻境之浴血战场2004》的剧情上延续了UT2003,战(Xan)以及史卡治(Skaarj)一族重新崛起,玩家要从初始的教学战斗到自行组队、从单人死斗到团队合作,最后挑战四大战斗王者 …
Wikis / The Liandri Archives / The Corrupt - Unreal Archive
Unreal Tournament 2004 Xan Kriegor was long regarded as invincible, until Malcolm defeated him in the fourth officially recognized Tournament finals. After a long hiatus, he has returned to …
魔域幻境之浴血戰場2004 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《魔域幻境之浴血戰場2004》的劇情上延續了UT2003,戰(Xan)以及史卡治(Skaarj)一族重新崛起,玩家要從初始的教學戰鬥到自行組隊、從單人死鬥到團隊合作,最後挑戰四大戰鬥王者 …
Xan Kriegor - Liandri Archives - BeyondUnreal
2013年4月24日 · Unreal Tournament 2004 Xan Kriegor was long regarded as invincible, until Malcolm defeated him in the fourth officially recognized Tournament finals. After a long hiatus, …
虚幻竞技场2004 - 百度百科
《虚幻竞技场2004》(Unreal Tournamen 2004)是Epic MegaGames制作的一款射击类游戏。 UT和Q3A几乎是同一时期出的两个同一类型的游戏,他们好像从生下来就有是竞争对手,这 …
The Corrupt - Unreal Wiki
Led by the Tournament champion Xan Kriegor, the members are highly efficient reprogrammed humanoid droids. They are often referred to as "War Machines" due to their lethal performance …
Unreal Tournament 2004 Single player
This year's tournament is the most highly anticipated yet, with teams captained by highly regarded former champions Malcolm, Gorge, and the long absent Xan Kriegor, as well as a dangerous …
Wikis / The Liandri Archives / UT2004 Single Player
"The Liandri Corporation's Unreal Tournament enters its twelfth year as a legally sanctioned competition. This year's tournament is the most highly anticipated yet, with teams captained by …