Ni, Co, and Mn L3-edge X-ray absorption micro ... - ScienceDirect
2022年7月25日 · Ni-rich NCM (with a Ni concentration of 0.88) particles were annealed in situ from RT to 800 °C, and the TM L 3-edge XAS features were investigated using STXM. The STXM data show that up to 400 °C, Mn ions have the same spectral features, indicating that Mn ions form a stable local structure.
Additive engineering for robust interphases to stabilize high-Ni ...
2022年5月9日 · Among numerous cathode candidates for next-generation battery concepts, the nickel-rich layered material LiNi x Mn y Co 1–x–y O 2 (NMC) stands out because of its high theoretical capacity (~280 mAh...
Nickel L-edge and K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy of non …
A series of nickel dithiolene complexes Ni[S 2 C 2 (CF 3) 2] 2 n (n = −2, −1, 0) has been investigated using Ni L- and K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The L 3 centroid shifts about 0.3 eV for a change of one unit in the formal oxidation state (or 0.3 eV per oxi), corresponding to ∼33% of the shift for Ni oxides or fluorides ...
Nature Chemistry:原位软X射线吸收光谱,量化水氧化高价Ni+4 …
2022年5月20日 · 有鉴于此, 加拿大多伦多大学Edward H. Sargent院士 团队通过 调控Co、Fe和P的合理组合系统地调节了Ni4+的形成能。 对合成的NiCoFeP羟基氢氧化物用原位sXAS探讨氧化动力学。 NiCoFeP具有优异的OER表现,金纳米针尖作为CO2还原催化剂,具有64%的能量转换效率。 已知金属氧化物中的高价过渡金属(TM)离子对水氧化具有高反应活性。 然而TM离子更喜欢在中性时呈现低价氧化状态。 因此,作者寻求最小化活性金属位点在中性达到所需高氧化 …
XAS and RIXS at the Ni L3-edge a, XAS of NiO, LaNiO3, LaNiO2 …
Our neutron powder diffraction data show that, indeed, hydrogen occupies the centers of the Ni-O squares, and spectroscopic evidence from EELS and XAS suggests that Ni is reduced to the Ni+...
Database of ab initio L-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure
2021年6月11日 · Here, we report the development of a database of computed L-edge XANES using the multiple scattering theory-based FEFF9 code. The initial release of the database contains more than 140,000 L-edge...
Using the photoinduced L3 resonance shift in Fe and Ni as time ...
2021年8月5日 · We study the optical-pump induced ultrafast transient change of x-ray absorption at L3 absorption resonances of the transition metals Ni and Fe in the Fe 0.5 Ni 0.5 alloy. We find the effect for both elements to occur simultaneously on a femtosecond timescale.
A) XAS at the Ni L3-edge for the metallic and insulating states.
Download scientific diagram | A) XAS at the Ni L3-edge for the metallic and insulating states. Inset shows the intensity between the Ni3+ and multiplet peaks, highlighting the sudden...
(a) Ni L3-edge XAS (x-ray absorption spectroscopy) and
(a) Ni L3-edge XAS (x-ray absorption spectroscopy) and RIXS (resonant inelastic x-ray scattering) of NdNiO2 thin films. The XAS result is superimposed in the RIXS intensity map. The feature...
Pressure-induced charge amorphisation in BiNiO 3 - Nature
2025年3月5日 · Pressure evolution of XAS spectra around (c) Bi-L3 and (d) Ni-K edges. The red triangle, green inverted triangle and blue circle symbols indicate Phase-I, Phase-II and Phase-Id, respectively, and ...