X-ray Absorption Edges - University of Washington
Selecting any of the elements from the periodic table above will retrieve ascii files containing tabulations of the characteristic x-ray absorption edge energies, and of the anomalous …
Anomalous Scattering Differences - RuppWeb
List of selected X-ray absorption edge energies (in electron volt, eV) Element: Atomic Number: Atomic Weight: K Edge: L1 Edge: L2 Edge: L3 Edge: M1 Edge: M5 Edge
科研干货 | 同步辐射X射线吸收(XAS): 基本原理、数据分析及电化学 …
X射线吸收细结构光谱 (X-ray absorption fine structure, XAFS)是一种基于同步辐射光源的分析方法。 它测量的基本物理量为X射线质量吸收系数μ (E)。
Welcome to the IXAS XAFS database! - IXAS Portal
This EXAFS database, which consists of just about every scan of data ever taken by Farrel Lytle, is a service of the International X-ray Absorption Society. The site is hosted by the Center for …
Databases for XAFS - Argonne National Laboratory
2006年6月3日 · Periodic Table of x-ray absorption values (McMaster Tables). Book of x-ray absorption values (based on McMaster Tables). X-ray Interaction with Matter at LBL Center for …
有对XAS(x射线分析光谱)及其计算分析方法了解的嘛,? - 知乎
如下图所示,XAS原始数据可以分为近边XANES和扩展边EXAFS两部分。 近边对电子价态比较敏感,而扩展边通过数据处理和拟合可以获得丰富的结构信息。 吸收边越往高能量方向移动, …
Web-enabled database of X-ray Absorption Spectra - GitHub
The XAS Data Library is designed to hold X-ray Absorption Spectra (EXAFS and XANES) using an SQLite database, with array data encoded using JSON. The principle goal for the library is …
以下,我们对xas数据解析做一些基本介绍。 一、xas数据解析功能介绍. 如图1所示,xas原始数据可以分为近边xanes和扩展边exafs两部分。近边对电子结构、价态、组分等比较敏感,而扩展 …
High-throughput computational X-ray absorption spectroscopy
2018年7月31日 · With more than 500,000 K-edge X-ray absorption near edge (XANES) spectra for more than 40,000 unique materials, this database constitutes the largest existing collection …
X-ray Resources | easyXAFS
X-ray periodic table of edges & emission lines. X-ray attenuation calculations. Analyzer Darwin width and crystal calculations.