Project Ignis
We are happy to present you with EDOPro, an evolution of the YGOPro system, available on all major desktop platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux), with a plethora of new features and bug fixes. We are an international collaboration, staffed entirely by …
GitHub - edo9300/edopro: A script engine for "yu-gi-oh!" and …
The bleeding-edge automatic duel simulator, a fork of the YGOPro client. All YGOPro forks and known automatic duel simulators are powered by the YGOPro core (ocgcore), an automated scripting engine for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game. …
Edopro简中汉化包分享 - 哔哩哔哩
Edopro是游戏王打牌软件ygopro的其中一个衍生,是国外环境用的比较多的,偏向于tcg环境,但也能玩ocg对战,而且有安卓端。 Edopro有自动卡片更新,但可能需要梯子,也可以通过删掉repositories内的delta开头的文件夹重启游戏重试。 delta开头的文件夹对应卡片更新,lflists文件夹对应禁卡表更新,游戏根目录的puzzles文件夹对应残局更新。 其卡片更新活跃度仅次于ygopro。 更新进度达到100%就行了。 该衍生吸引我的一个点是其有卡组测试功能,可以很方便地进行 …
Project Ignis - GitHub Pages
1) Download and extract the .tar.gz to your preferred install location. 2) Optionally run ./install.sh to create .desktop files for the current user's launcher. There should be no output if successful. Do not run as root (sudo/doas). 3) You can always start the game by running ./EDOPro from the extracted folder without desktop files.
edopro/README.md at master · edo9300/edopro · GitHub
The bleeding-edge automatic duel simulator, a fork of the YGOPro client. All YGOPro forks and known automatic duel simulators are powered by the YGOPro core (ocgcore), an automated scripting engine for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game. …
DataEditorX - YGOPRO Scripting Wiki
2023年10月31日 · DataEditorX is a program that allows you to create, open, and edit card databases, or .cdb files. You can download DEX here: …
User Manual - edo9300/edopro GitHub Wiki
Command-line options: -C "working directory": Run EDOPro in the directory specified as argument -m: Launch the edopro instance muted -l: Show the changelog prompt -D: Signal EDOPro that it has been launched from discord (currently unused) -u url: Use url as url to check the client updates from instead of the one the program was compiled with.
Downloads – Bionicle YGOPro Expansion
EDOPro offers the ability to include custom card expansions in the form of a repository that automatically keeps itself up to date, eliminating the need to download and install new versions by hand.
【Edokcg】动漫卡+官方卡+Rush卡客戶端 简介与示范_哔哩哔 …
~ 奥利结界 魔陷区作为怪獸区使用 ~ 三幻神 基於動畫及漫畫抗性不同,你可以在召喚时選擇使用動畫/漫畫版 無限攻擊力 一回合抗性 区分低階.高階神的效果破壞.除外等,低階炸不了高階神 ~ 黑暗聖域 還原怪獸区可以作为魔陷区使用 ~ 机皇帝 裝備的同步怪獸可以攻擊 ~ 混沌幻魔/Zw獸王 可以在主階段攻擊 ~ 傳說之龙.罪可以跟任何怪獸融合,得到全新效果 2 特殊系統~神抽、卡組外印卡、印额外、开局場地 3 動漫AI~千尊、教主 4 播放动畫功能 (可开/關/跳過) 5 選擇人物頭象开啟对應 …
Project Ignis - GitHub Pages
There are a number of reasons you may be unable to connect to the servers: 1) Make sure you are running the latest version of the game. The latest version is always available in downloads. 2) EDOPro might not be allowed through your firewall.
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