Convair NB-36H - Wikipedia
The Convair NB-36H was an experimental aircraft that carried a nuclear reactor to test its protective radiation shielding for the crew, but did not use it to power the aircraft. Nicknamed …
Convair NB-36H Nuclear-Powered Bomber - The Armory Life
2025年3月1日 · A Convair NB-36H Peacemaker test flight with a Boeing B-50 Superfortress chase plane. This plane was modified to carry a three megawatt, air-cooled nuclear reactor in …
NB-36 Crusader:美国的大型核动力轰炸机 - 百家号
2022年3月10日 · 推动大型 B-36 穿越大西洋的是六台 Pratt & Whitney 3600 hp、R4360-53 径向活塞发动机与四台通用电气 13,500 磅推力 J47-19 涡轮喷气发动机的责任。 径向活塞发动机和 …
聊聊NB-36:照着字母念就可以,别想多了 - 哔哩哔哩
真•飞行的载人核弹——美国康维尔NB-36H核动力轰炸机 - 哔哩哔哩
NB-36H是一型载有核反应堆的实验飞机,它的绰号为“十字军战士”。 NB-36H的出现是为飞机核推进计划(ANP)的试验而创建的,用来展示核动力轰炸机的可行性。 它的发展随着ANP计划 …
Convair XB-36H Nuclear Test Aircraft | This Day in Aviation
2024年7月20日 · The Nuclear Test Aircraft was built from a Convair B-36H-20-CF Peacemaker strategic bomber, one of 61 that had been destroyed or damaged by a tornado that struck …
X-6試驗機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
根据nb-36h计划的结果,人们终止了整个核子动力飞机计划,当然也包括x-6计划。 主要原因是 洲际弹道导弹 的快速发展取代了对远程轰炸机的需求。 1960年代, 苏联 的 图波列夫 设计局使 …
Warplanes of the USA: Convair NB-36H Peacemaker
The Convair NB-36H was an experimental aircraft that carried a nuclear reactor to test its protective radiation shielding for the crew, but did not use it to power the aircraft. Nicknamed …
Convair X-6 - Wikipedia
Experiments were carried out on a testbed aircraft named Convair NB-36H, based on the B-36 bomber. The program was canceled before the actual X-6 and its nuclear reactor engines …
This Week in History: Nuclear-powered aircraft program begins
2012年9月5日 · A B-36 that had been damaged in a tornado at Carswell AFB, Texas, on Sept. 1, 1952, was modified as the test aircraft for the program. It was redesignated the XB-36H, then …