Linux on the Microsoft Xbox - Browse /X-DSL at SourceForge.net
2009年1月12日 · sXb is a Slackware distribution that runs on the Xbox. It is based on the SLAX LiveCD and can be run from CD or installed to the Xbox hard drive as either FATX or as a ReiserFS loopback. The Xbox Linux Project aims to privide a version of GNU/Linux for the Xbox, so that it can be used as an ordinary computer. Linux should make use of…
Tutorial - X-DSL (Damb Small Linux) - Se7enSins Gaming Community
2006年3月8日 · X-DSL is a small (currently about 40mb) but fully functional Linux distribution for the XBOX . X-DSL can be run as a live CD on a modded Xbox or installed to the Xbox hard drive. It will automatically boot into X Windows where you can use your Xbox controller to control the mouse pointer and a virtual keyboard to enter text.
XBox Damn Small Linux (XDsl) 0.6 Install - OGXbox.com
2017年7月28日 · Do you know how to install xdsl apps without internet? Would I place them in the E drive? Ooo going to have to try this today, looks neat. 2 months later... There is a newer version of this distro: https://www.xbmc4xbox.org.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=566. You can post now and register later.
Download Xdsl-0.6.iso (Linux on the Microsoft Xbox) - SourceForge
The Xbox Linux Project aims to privide a version of GNU/Linux for the Xbox, so that it can be used as an ordinary computer. Linux should make use of all Xbox hardware and allow to install and run software from standard i386 Linux distributions.
xdsl (damn small linux) on xbox - YouTube
Xbox loopback hdd install at 800x600 (installed without adding or changing partitions)Internet browsing, multimedia, office, custom apps....
X-DSL - X-DSL is a small (about 50MBs) but fully functional ... - Xbox …
X-DSL is a small (about 50MBs) but fully functional Linux distribution for the XBOX, based on Damn Small Linux. Installing X-DSL is just a case of copying a handful of files across to the Xbox E drive.
Linux For Original Xbox : r/originalxbox - Reddit
2022年2月19日 · Linux can be installed to use the entire hard drive. Doing so removes the Xbox's ability to play games. Lighter weight distributions such as X-DSL can be installed to run from a modded Xbox's replacement dashboard as an application.
Xdsl (Xbox Damn Small Linux) - GBAtemp.net
2025年1月8日 · UPDATE: I got the myDSL extension browser (package manager for dsl) up and running again and I'm still on xdsl 0.6 . I did manage to restore dpkg and apt-get but it was causing a conflict with myDSL and it trashed my install.
[Linux] XDSL 7.0: Duct Taped R1. Support and Requests= Open
2012年7月4日 · Start XDSL FTP server, use your favorite FTP client and adjust MyDSL.cfg to your need. Overscan can only be corrected (the easy way) on 800x600 and 640x480 resolution: linuxboot.cfg> replace "video=800x600" by "video=xbox:800x600,hoc=X,voc=Y"
xbox xdsl linux operating system - YouTube
this is how linux operating system xdsl runs on the xbox its a lot faster than win98 because it has fewer processes running than windows 98.....
Quallenauge/Easybox-904-XDSL - GitHub
Simply running "make" will build your firmware. It will download all sources, build the cross-compile toolchain, the kernel and all choosen applications. To build your own firmware you need to have access to a Linux, BSD or MacOSX system (case-sensitive filesystem required).
Who can run windows (98, 2000, xp) on the original xbox is a genius
2020年9月26日 · You can use adapters to make the Xbox be able to use whatever ssd you have so that you can have as much memory on it as you want, and you can update windows 98 to xp using an update disk officially released by windows, so yes, it can run windows xp.
Downloading File /OldFiles/xdsl-0.3.zip - Linux on the Microsoft Xbox …
Free download page for Project Linux on the Microsoft Xbox's xdsl-0.3.zip.The Xbox Linux Project aims to privide a version of GNU/Linux for the Xbox, so that it can be used as an ordinary computer. Linux should make use of all Xbox hardware and allow to install and ru...
Author Topic: Xdsl V0.3 (Read 563 times) - forums.xboxscene.org
2005年8月27日 · XDSL requires a modded Xbox(see www.xbox-linux.org or www.xbox-scene.com for help on this). You can then run XDSL from a livecd. Simply burn xdsl.iso to some recordable media using your favourite cd writing software and place it in your Xbox.
[tuto]installation & Utilisation De Linux Sur Xbox - Forum Gueux
2005年10月21日 · Installation de Linux distribution X-DSL sur XBOX. Pré requis - Une console XBox pucée. Permettant ainsi de booter sur n'importe quel CD, à tester avec un exploit aussi. - Un ordinateur (Mais bon ça je pense que c’est bon) - Un graveur de CD et/ou DVD. Et oui va falloir passer notre Linux sur CD ou DVD avant de l’installer sur la box.
Thread: [Xbox-linux-user] Uninstalling XDSL - SourceForge
2005年7月2日 · Hi, I've got a softmodded XBox and I've just installed XDSL into a 1Gb loopback file. My ultimate aim is to make a mythtv frontend, however I've just realised the scripts to do this are based on Xebian. How can I uninstall XDSL so I can put Xebian on instead? Thanks, Jonny
2018年12月14日 · xDSL是Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)的缩写,意即数字用户线路,是以铜电话线为传输介质的点对点传输技术。 xDSL 中,“x”代表着不同种类的数字用户线路 技术 。
Help With Overscan Issue In Xdsl - forums.xboxscene.org
Help With Overscan Issue In Xdsl . February 07, 2024, 07:19:51 PM Welcome, Guest; Home; Help; Search; Login; Register; Recovery; xboxscene.org forums > OG Xbox Forums > Software Forums > *nix OS on Xbox > Help With Overscan Issue In Xdsl « previous next » Pages ...
Téléchargement du fichier /X-DSL/X-DSL v0.6/Xdsl-0.6.iso - OSDN
The Xbox Linux Project aims to privide a version of GNU/Linux for the Xbox, so that it can be used as an ordinary computer. Linux should make use of all Xbox hardware and allow to install and run software from standard i386 Linux distributions.
XDSL技术全解析及应用-世讯电科融合通信 - alloll.com
XDSL(Digital Subscriber Line)技术是一系列基于普通电话线的数字传输技术,包括ADSL、HDSL、VDSL等。 以下是XDSL技术的主要优势: 高速传输 :XDSL技术可以实现高达100Mbps的下载速率,满足用户对高速网络的需求。