XCHG — Exchange Register/Memory With Register
Exchanges the contents of the destination (first) and source (second) operands. The operands can be two general-purpose registers or a register and a memory location.
汇编_指令_XCHG - 吹静静 - 博客园
2018年7月14日 · 交换指令XCHG是两个寄存器,寄存器和内存变量之间内容的交换指令,两个操作数的数据类型要相同,可以是一个字节,也可以是一个字,也可以是双字 。 其指令格式如 …
2016年4月2日 · 交换指令XCHG是两个寄存器,寄存器和内存变量之间内容的交换指令,两个操作数的数据类型要相同,可以是一个字节,也可以四一个字,也可以是双字。 其指令格式如 …
Implementing Down and Up (semaphore) with XCGH instruction
2017年5月7日 · ¿Is there any way to write in assembly language the function to Up and the function to Down a semaphore with the XCHG instruction? Sure, use the mutex to guard the …
XCHG - x86-64 Simplified - Treeniks
Exchanges the contents of the destination (first) and source (second) operands. The operands can be two general-purpose registers or a register and a memory location.
How does XCHG work in Intel assembly language? - Stack Overflow
2018年4月30日 · swapping 2 registers in 8086 assembly language (16 bits) (how to efficiently swap a register with memory). xchg is only useful for this case if you need atomicity, or if you …
XCHG Instruction in Assembly - Electronics Reference
In x86-64 assembly, the xchg instruction exchanges the contents of two operands. Short for ‘exchange’, xchg can be used to swap the values of two registers or a register and a memory …
Solutions of xchg rax,rax - GitHub Pages
2016年10月12日 · xchg rax,rax is a collection of assembly gems and riddles I found over many years of reversing and writing assembly code. The book contains 0x40 short assembly …
XCHG - Exchange Memory - OpenGenus IQ
XCHG stands for eXCHanGe. It is an assembly instruction that is used to exchange the memory contents of two registers or memory locations. XCHG is a 1-byte instructions and requires 1 …
Instruction type XCHG in 8085 Microprocessor - Online …
2019年7月30日 · In 8085 Instruction set, there is one mnemonic XCHG, which stands for eXCHanGe. This is an instruction to exchange contents of HL register pair with DE register …