Architecture overview - Sitecore Documentation
The Sitecore Experience Database (xDB) collects all your customer interactions from all channel sources in a real-time, big data repository. It connects interaction data to create a comprehensive, unified view of each individual customer, and makes the data available to marketers to manage the customer experience in real time.
离线 IP 定位库 Ip2region 的使用及工具封装详解 - 掘金
2025年1月14日 · ip2region v2.0 - 是一个离线IP地址定位库和IP定位数据管理框架,10微秒级别的查询效率,提供了众多主流编程语言的 xdb 数据生成和查询客户端实现。 首页
Diagram for the Prototype of Extended XDB - ResearchGate
This paper describes a prototype of extended XDB. XDB is an open-source and extensible database architecture developed by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to provide...
- [PDF]
华为 先一科技公司 - huawei
X-DB 实时数据库为广东电网节能发电调度系统提供基础数据平台,从各个电厂采集实时数据( 包括实时测点、 手工测点、 煤耗指标、 环保指标), 共计四十多万测点,上传到广东电网实时数据库, 实现节能发电调度煤耗在线监测, 为机组的优化运行、负荷分配与节能降耗提供有力的参考依据, 满足实时数据高速存取的要求, 并具备良好的可扩展性,从而满足在线监测数据持续增长的要求,产品在架构和性能上满足广东电网对数据存储先进性的要求。 Thank you. 将先一科技打造成“技术领先 …
dbdiagram.io - Database Relationship Diagrams Design Tool
2019年2月22日 · Draw Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Painlessly 😎 A free, simple tool to draw ER diagrams by just writing code. Designed for developers and data analysts.
5: The modules and workflow of XDB data management
Using a collection of XML documents embodying considerable structural variations, we have empirically analyzed the EXsum framework by running a large number of experiments in our XML native...
How to plan your Sitecore xDB infrastructure - Medium
2016年6月13日 · The objective is to map out your Sitecore 8 and xDB topology in sufficient detail to anticipate procurement requirements, traffic, growth, usage and maintenance such that the correct Sitecore...
1.1XDB概述 · PKPM-BIM报审建模手册 · 看云 - kancloud.cn
XDB采用公开、标准的数据库格式记录各行业交付的BIM数据,为保证后续应用中对BIM数据的无损读取,XDB数据库的指标数据作为目标驱动定义出的BIM数据,与常规的BIM模型不同,XDB数据仅考虑交付标准所涉及的各专业数据,满足特定需求目标的应用。 看云是一个现代化文档写作、托管及数字出版平台,基于MarkDown语法和Git版本库管理,让你专注于知识创作,可以用于企业知识库、产品手册、项目文档和个人数字出版。
Shear-Moment Diagrams - REPTILE
REPTILE can be used to quickly generate shear and moment diagrams (sometimes called VMT or PVM diagrams) across many load cases and output files in a single step. This functionality is typically useful when analyzing a structure with many similar section cuts.
XDB provides a novel “schema-less” database approach using a document-centered object-relational XML database mapping [5, 6]. This enables structured, unstructured, and semi-structured information to be integrated without requiring document schemas or translation tables.