Favorite concealed-carry holster for Xds?? | Springfield XD Forum
2013年3月5日 · Cordially, 10Mil MacGill XDs .45 ACP (Black) XDm compact .45 ACP (Bi-tone) 1911 A-1 .45 ACP 1911 EMP .40 Colt 1911 Ejercito Argentino .45 ACP
XDs Holster? What others will fit it? | Springfield XD Forum
2012年12月20日 · iv got a maxtuck IWB with G23 kydex that works very well.. infact i ordered a kydex replacement to fit the XDS and im less impressed with the way it fits now. probably going to switch back to the G23 kydex soon to have the option to swap guns and bolt my XDS kydex under the dash in the truck..
XDs with Viridian C5L holster picks? | Springfield XD Forum
2013年6月23日 · The holster for the XD is the one I was referring to. I use it for my XD9SC. I do not know of any holster for the XDS. There are plenty of manufacturers that will make one for you. I would start with Crossbreed Supertuck. It will take a long time (many are reporting over 8 weeks) to receive your holster if made by them.
Pocket carry the XDs? - Springfield XD Forum
2012年11月1日 · I did make a pocket holster for a guy for the XDs.As with all new products after he had it a couple of weeks I contacted him and he was very pleased with it..To me it would work in large pockets such as cargo pants or a jacket..Tight fitting jeans is out of the question..Sorry as I did not take any photos..If you are interested in something like this give us a call or visit our website..Thank ...
XDs With Crimson Trace laser guard Holster - Springfield XD Forum
2016年3月10日 · Just got a owb holster from gunfightersinc.com for my Beretta m9a3 and was able to try the owners iwb holster for a Shield. Like them both and decided to get a iwb for my XDS with a LG469G, he confirmed the red and green are different dimensions, since I only live about 20 miles away I was able to take him my laser.
Holsters for XDS Mod.2 in 9mm - Springfield XD Forum
2018年8月9日 · Crossbreed makes IWB holsters for the XDS mod.2, even the version with the viridian laser. I just received mine yesterday for the new mod.2 9mm and think I will love it once it's broken in a little.Crossbreed is even doing give a …
Feedback from users of Hidden Hybrid Holsters for our little XDs?
2013年1月6日 · I've had, the Hidden Hybrid Holster IWB for my XDS has to the best bar none in quality. The leather is doubled in layered compared to other IWB leather/kydex combo makers. The kydex portion was well thought out and designed, especially around the area of the mag release that they designed to covered was a nice touch and prevents the magazine ...
Best appendix carry holster? | Springfield XD Forum
2015年2月23日 · Check out Theis holsters. Tommy makes a very nice AIWB hybrid holster (single clip). I carried my XDs .45 and Glock 26 in one, although usually at 4:30-5:00. But I have carried appendix as well. Theisholsters.com @RobT welcome to the forum! I appreciate your service to our great country.
XDS OWB holster - Springfield XD Forum
2013年6月28日 · "Elemental" OWB holster" today. It was only a 7week 5 day wait . But it cancels just as well as my Highnoon or Ubg Iwb holster. The slim prfile and high ride is nice for a small XDS. I might not like the high ride with a full sized gun.. If your 6ft + you may like it. But imo this is the best Owb "leather" holster for the $$ wait and built very ...
XDS Mod 2 OSP Holsters - Springfield XD Forum
2021年2月14日 · About to pick up an XDS OSP with a CT red dot this Friday from a local dealer in DFW. Will standard XDS holsters work with the OSP setup? Currently run the older XDS in Alien Gear holsters, both the Cloak and Shapeshift. Been using Alien Gear's shoulder holster this winter and really like it. Having two spare mags at the ready in one package is ...