TeX 家族(TeX, XeTeX, LuaTeX,XeLaTeX …看完这篇就懂了) - 知乎
XeTeX :TeX 语言的新的实现,支持 Unicode 编码和直接访问操作系统字体。 LuaTeX :TeX 语言的一个完整的有扩展的实现。LuaTeX支持Unicode、系统字体和内嵌语言扩展,能直接输出PDF格式文件,也可以仍然输出 DVI 格式。 格式
XeTeX - Wikipedia
XeTeX (/ ˈ z iː t ɛ x / ZEE-tekh [1] or / ˈ z iː t ɛ k /; see also Pronouncing and writing "TeX") is a TeX typesetting engine using Unicode and supporting modern font technologies such as OpenType, Graphite and Apple Advanced Typography (AAT). It was originally written by Jonathan Kew and is distributed under the X11 free software license ...
XeTeX - Unicode-based TeX
X Ǝ T E X Unicode-based T E X. X Ǝ T E X is an extension of T E X that integrates T E X 's typesetting capabilities with (a) the Unicode text encoding standard (supporting most of the world’s scripts) and (b) modern font technologies (TrueType and OpenType) and text layout services (AAT, OpenType layout, SIL Graphite) provided by the host operating system and available libraries.
XeTeX - TeX Users Group
This page has a list of links related to XeTeX, an extension of TeX with built-in support for Unicode and OpenType. It was originally written and is still principally maintained by Jonathan Kew. Basics
TeX 家族(TeX, XeTeX, LuaTeX,XeLaTeX …看完这篇就懂了)
2020年11月12日 · XeTeX:TeX 语言的新的实现,支持 Unicode 编码和直接访问操作系统字体。 LuaTeX:TeX 语言的一个完整的有扩展的实现。LuaTeX支持Unicode、系统字体和内嵌语言扩展,能直接输出PDF格式文件,也可以仍然输出 DVI 格式。 格式
XǝTeX - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
XeTeX( /ˈziːtɛx/ 或 /ˈziːtɛk/ [1] ,風格化後写作 X ǝ T e X )是一种使用Unicode的TeX 排版引擎,并支持一些现代字体技术,例如OpenType、Graphite和 Apple Advanced Typography ( 英语 : Apple Advanced Typography ) (AAT)。其作者和维护者是Jonathan Kew,并以X11自由软 …
CTAN: Package xetex
xetex – An extended variant of T e X for use with Unicode sources X e T e X is a T e X typesetting engine using Unicode and supporting modern font technologies such as OpenType, TrueType or Apple Advanced Typography (AAT), including OpenType mathematics fonts.
XeTeX - Unicode-based TeX download | SourceForge.net
2024年5月21日 · Download XeTeX - Unicode-based TeX for free. XeTeX is Unicode-based TeX using platform fonts and font technologies (e.g. AAT on Mac OS X or OpenType features on Mac/Linux/Windows) to provide typesetting for all the world's scripts.
2021年3月11日 · xelatex命令:XeTeX程序中的命令,用来编译用LaTeX格式写的tex文件。 XeLaTeX :为了支持 Unicode 和现代字体, XETEX 被开发出来,其直接使用本地计算机中安装的 字体 的方法,大大降低了使用LaTeX的难度。
XeLaTeX - Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor
XeTeX is a typesetting engine derived from Donald Knuth's original T e X software. However, unlike Knuth's original program, XeTeX natively reads (inputs) UTF-8 encoded Unicode text and, with assistance from its built-in HarfBuzz shaping engine, supports modern font formats such as OpenType (OTF) and SIL's Graphite font technology .