XFA-36A Game | Acepedia - Fandom
The XFA-36A Game is an advanced fighter aircraft manufactured by General Resource Limited. The Game is capable of performing any type of mission. Its airframe, avionics and armament systems are extremely advanced and the aircraft employs …
皇牌空战系列/原创机 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
XFA-36A Game 通用资源的先进多用途战斗机,其原型为波音的X-36先进战斗机缩比验证机。 在设定上通用资源公司某种程度上象征着未来的美国,因此通用资源所有的主力战斗机基本都是现有美军战斗机或其验证机的发展型,以及一些传闻中存在的型号衍生而来。
XFA-36A Game - Ace Combat Wiki
The XFA-36A Game is a fighter aircraft manufactured by General Resource Limited. It is their most advanced combat aircraft and is deployed only in extreme situations. The XFA-36A appears to be based on the McDonnell Douglas X-36 concept aircraft.
皇牌空战3机体介绍 FA32C & XF36A - 百度贴吧
xfa-36a 没有尾翼的战斗机,此类外形非常稀少。 没有尾翼的话,不单可以减少空气阻力,还能减少雷达反射面,从而使隐身性能更好。
XFA-36A Game Addon - Nexus Mods
2023年7月29日 · The mod adds a fully functional XFA-36A Game to the list of playable aircraft. Similarly to Rythus' ADFX-00, it is in the bottom of the list. The XFA-36A uses the stats from the F-22A.
XFA-36A ゲイム | ACES WIKI | Fandom
XFA-36A ゲイム(Game)はゼネラルリソースが運用する先進的戦闘機である。 XFA-36Aは、ゼネラルリソースが新規に開発した機体である。 かつて研究されていた高機動ステルス実験機のデータをもとに開発されている。
XFA-36A 0.9.1 Beta for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
XFA-36A 0.9.1 Beta is a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 mod created by ChiefBeeflet. Based on the General Resource XFA-36A super-maneuverable air superiority fighter from the game Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere.
- 评论数: 21
《皇牌空战3 电子领域》(日版)六周目完美爆机攻略 - 皇牌空战
2005年4月21日 · XFA-36A“Game” 个人评价:采用完全舍弃尾翼设计的战斗机,也是General Resource LTD最强的主力战机,各项性能都无可挑剔,还装备了近程导弹。 三大主力战机中攻击力最高的机体。
请教:AC3中的XFA-36在现实中存在吗? - 皇牌空战 - A9VG电玩 …
2004年11月6日 · x-36是无人机模型,出于节省验证成本和缩短验证周期的目的,其尾喷口相当简陋,充其量只是让气流喷出而已;而xfa-36a是生产型成品机,为了提高机动性,其尾喷口用的是x-31的那种类型(三元导流板式推力矢量喷管),当然xfa-36a导流板的面积和隐身性能都比x ...
XFA-36A Game - SimplePlanes
The General Resource XFA-36A Game is General Resource Defense Force's most advanced fighter in it's arsenal equipped with a 3-Dimensional Panelled Thrust Vectoring Control to maximize the aircraft's maneuverability. It also is a tailless design, with it's wingtips angled at a 45° to make up for the lack of vertical stabilizers.