XhoI - NEB
One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to digest 1 µg of λ DNA (HindIII digest) fragments in 1 hour at 37°C in a total reaction volume of 50 µl. XhoI is an isoschizomer of PaeR7I. This enzyme has shown to have lower activity on some supercoiled plasmids, with more than 1 unit required to digest 1 μg plasmid DNA.
XhoI - Wikipedia
In molecular biology, XhoI is a type II restriction enzymes that recognise the double-stranded DNA sequence CTCGAG and cleaves after C-1. [1] Type II restriction endonucleases are components of prokaryotic DNA restriction-modification mechanisms …
常见限制性内切酶识别序列(酶切位点) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
常见限制性内切酶识别序列 (酶切位点)(BamHI、EcoRI、HindIII、NdeI、XhoI等) 在分子克隆实验中,限制性内切酶是必不可少的工具酶。 无论是构建克隆载体还是表达载体,要根据载体选择合适的内切酶(当然,使用T载…
Introduction to Restriction Endonuclease Xho I
In summary, Xho I is a type II restriction endonuclease with a specific recognition sequence, generating DNA fragments with 5'-overhangs. Its high specificity, versatility, and compatibility with commonly used buffer systems make it an indispensable tool in molecular biology research.
Xho I recognizes the sequence C/TCGAG and generates fragments with 5’-cohesive ends termini (1). Compatible ends Xho I generates compatible ends to Sal I.
Cuts in these sequences create complementary sticky ends. To avoid the reannealing of sticky ends, a double digest is often conducted 2 separate restriction enzymes, creating non-complementary sticky ends. DNA can be digested or designed to be complementary to these ends, allowing insertion to the vector. Materials Nco1/Nde1 - 1µl Xho1 - 1µl
质粒设计中限制性内切酶的保护碱基汇总 - 知乎
在分子克隆实验中,有时我们会在待扩增的目的基因片段两端加上特定的酶切位点,用于后续的酶切和连接反应。 由于直接暴露在末端的酶切位点不容易直接被 限制性核酸内切酶 切开,因此在设计 PCR引物 时,人为地在酶切位点序列的5'端外侧添加额外的碱基序列,即保护碱基,用来提高将来酶切时的活性。 2. 避免相邻酶切位点的干扰. 在分子克隆实验中选择载体的酶切位点时,相邻的两个酶切位点往往不能同时使用,因为一个位点切割后留下的碱基过少以至于影响旁边的酶切 …
XhoI (10 U/μL) - 赛默飞世尔科技公司
赛默飞 XhoI 限制性内切酶识别 C^TCGAG 位点,最佳切割温度为37°C,适用于R缓冲液。 等位酶包括 PaeR7I, Sfr274I, SlaI, StrI, TliI。 赛默飞提供高质量的分子生物学工具,满足您的DNA切割需求。 立即了解更多!
#小普课堂三十七#常见限制性内切酶识别序列(酶切位点) - 知乎
限制性核酸内切酶 是可以识别并附着特定的核苷酸序列,并对每条链中特定部位的两个脱氧核糖核苷酸之间的磷酸二酯键进行切割的一类酶,简称限制酶。 常见限制性内切酶识别序列 (酶切位点)(BamHI 、 EcoRI 、 HindIII 、 NdeI 、 XhoI 等) 分子克隆实验 中,限制性内切酶是必不可少的工具酶。 无论是构建克隆载体还是表达载体,要根据载体选择合适的内切酶。 先将引物设计好,然后添加酶切识别序列到引物5' 端。 常用的内切酶比如BamHI、EcoRI、HindIII、NdeI …
Protocol for preparing NdeI and XhoI Double Digest Reactions
TWO NdeI/XhoI restriction digest reactions will be set-up using the two different folA PCR amplicons (folA amplicon obtained with the instructor-designed primers, and the folA amplicon obtained with the student-designed primers). Please note, both folA amplicons contain the exact same folA gene sequence. The only difference is the primer design.