Xi Huang | Molecular Genetics - University of Toronto
We study physical properties and mechano-electrical-chemical signalling in cancer. While extensive research has informed genetics and biochemical mechanisms in tumorigenesis, how mechanical and electrical signalling regulate cancer is less defined.
Xi Huang Lab
Dr. Xi Huang's lab at SickKids used fly and mouse models of brain tumour to understand the role of ion channels in tumour development and metastasis.
Xi Huang, Ph.D.
My research interests are urban policy, immigration policy, and race/ethnicity. I was a Census Bureau Special Sworn Status researcher at the Atlanta Census Research Data Center (ACRDC) between 2013 and 2014. My recent research examines local immigration policymaking and the socioeconomic implications of local policies for vulnerable populations.
Xi Huang - Google Scholar
Food insecurity transitions and housing hardships: Are immigrant families more vulnerable? Do immigrants build regional resilience? An analysis of US regions from 1980 to 2010. Do local...
Xi Huang - Google Scholar
X Huang, T Ketova, JT Fleming, H Wang, SK Dey, Y Litingtung, C Chiang Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 136 (15), 2535 … , 2009 104
Xi Huang - College of Community Innovation and Education
Xi Huang is an assistant professor in the School of Public Administration at the University of Central Florida. She joined the school in 2018 after receiving her Ph.D. from the joint public policy program at Georgia State University and Georgia Institute of Technology.
Xi Huang, Ph.D. - Research
Another stream of my research focuses on the changing geography of poverty and its implications for regional governance. My research also covers the economic well-being of specific demographic groups, particularly around their labor market and housing market outcomes. See my Google Scholar profile here.
Xi Huang - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Qisheng Huang (黄祁生) Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen 在 hit.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Xi Huang, Ph.D. - HRC
Dr. Xi Huang is an assistant professor at the School of Public Administration. Her research interests are urban policy, vulnerability populations, and Immigration policy. She has published widely on urban policy and development and has established a line …
Xi Huang-School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University
2012, Ph.D., Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Joint Program by National Institute of Biological Sciences and Beijing Normal University. Professional Experience. 2009-2011, Visiting Scholar,...