《步天歌》为夏达的首部长篇全彩漫画作品,以充满瑰丽幻想的修仙世界为背景。 电子版由哔哩哔哩漫画首发连载。 另外,《步天歌》也在快看漫画进行连载。 【夏天岛·将爱】系列の五部曲之一。 面对爱情,男生讲“道理”,女生谈“感受”。 彼此牵挂难舍的双方,如何迈出自己的世界,勇敢向对方靠近? “岛”上第一才女---夏达主笔,用细腻的笔触,敏感的思绪,为您娓娓道来。
Xia Da - Wikipedia
Xia Da (Chinese: 夏达; born 4 April 1981) is a Chinese manhua artist. [1] She is best known for creating the comics Zi Bu Yu and Chang Ge Xing. [2] Five million copies of her works have been sold as of 2018. [3] Her art has been noted for its classical style, and has been met with positive reception in both China and Japan. [4]
Xia Da (夏达) - MangaDex
She is a Chinese manhua artist. She is best known for creating the comics Zi Bu Yu and Chang Ge Xing, and five million copies of her works have been sold as of 2018. Her art has been noted for its classical style, and have been met with positive reception in both China and Japan.
夏达 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
夏达 (1981年4月4日 —), 中国 知名 漫画家。 湖南省 怀化市 出生,现居 浙江 杭州市 [1]。 她的畫風融合 中式風格 而自成一格,代表作有《遊園驚夢》、《子不语》、《长歌行》。 夏達在 高中 時代即开始进行漫画创作,最早在 漫画杂志 《北京卡通》发表短篇漫画《成长》。 2003年,其作品 单行本 《四月物语》正式出版。 大学毕业後,夏达前往 北京市 从事专业漫画活动,并发表了数部作品,其在《北京卡通》连载的《米特兰的晨星》广受好评 [2]。 夏達於2007年在《漫友 …
Xia Da | Chang Ge Xing Wikia | Fandom
Xia Da (夏达) is a Chinese manga/manhua artist, most well known for the ongoing series Chang Ge Xing (长歌行). As of September 2, 2017, she currently works under Hangzhou April Culture Communication Co., Ltd. who manages her work and affairs.
XIA Da - MangaUpdates
In 2008, she won the Gold Prize in the girls’ category of the fiction section, the Fifth OACC Golden Dragon Award Original Animation & Comic Competition, the biggest one in China of its kind. Note: You must be logged in to update information on this page.
Shi Yi Lu - MangaDex
Anthology of stories set in the world of Song of the Long March. Story 1: Spoiled Rich Kid (Chapters 1-2) Story 2: Master (Chapters 3-7) Story 3: Slave (Chapter 8)
Xia Da (Author of 長歌行 1 [Chang Ge Xing 1]) - Goodreads
1981年4月14日 · In 2008, she won the Gold Prize in the girls’ category of the fiction section, the Fifth OACC Golden Dragon Award Original Animation & Comic Competition, the biggest one in China of its kind. Her next work to be published is named The Silent Gozilla. Want to Read saving… Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Want to Read saving…
Xia Da - Wikiwand
Xia Da is a Chinese manhua artist. She is best known for creating the comics Zi Bu Yu and Chang Ge Xing. Five million copies of her works have been sold as of 2...
The Long Ballad - Wikipedia
The Long Ballad (Chinese: 长歌行; pinyin: Chánggē Xíng) is a 2021 Chinese television series based on the manhua of the same name by Xia Da. It is directed by Zhu Ruibin, and stars Dilraba Dilmurat, Wu Lei, Zhao Lusi and Liu Yuning. [1]