Xiapei - Wikipedia
In the Sui and Tang dynasties, the xiapei gained its name due to its beauty like rosy clouds (霞; xia). [2] During this period, it became increasingly popular. [7] In the Tang dynasty, the xiapei was an embroidered scarf made of silk which was attached to a woman's neck and shoulder that would wrap around her body. [4] [8]
Xia Peisu - Wikipedia
Xia Peisu or Pei-su Hsia (Chinese: 夏培肃; 28 July 1923 – 27 August 2014) was a Chinese computer scientist and educator known for her pioneering research in computer science and technology.
霞帔,也称“霞披”“披帛”,是宋明以来重要的冠服之一 [1] [11]。 霞帔最早由南北朝时期的 帔子 演变而来,发展到隋唐时期唤做霞帔,造型类似于现代常见的 披肩。 至清代,改制为背心式服装。 霞帔原本为皇帝的妃嫔所穿着,发展至宋代霞帔被划入命妇礼服的行列中,正式成为一种身份等级的象征 [2-3]。 霞帔始于南北朝时期的帔,隋唐时期窄而长的帔演变成了 披帛,逐步成为披在两臂之间、舞之前后的一种飘带。 后来因为帔子看起来美如彩霞,固有霞帔之美称。 宋时,霞帔 …
Fengguan xiapei - Wikipedia
Fengguan xiapei (Chinese: 凤冠霞帔) is a type of traditional Chinese wedding set of attire categorized under Hanfu, which was worn by Han Chinese women in Ming and Qing dynasties. [1] . The fengguan xiapei attire was composed an upper and lower garment following the traditional Chinese yichang clothing system.
霞佩 - 百度百科
霞佩,拼音xiá pèi,汉语词汇,意思是仙女的饰物,借指仙女。
汉服科普 | 古人的凤冠霞帔,到底能有多美? - 知乎专栏
xia pei. 霞帔,因其美如彩霞而得名,是由披帛发展而来。宋代是霞帔发展的转型期,那时的披帛分为霞帔和 直帔 。 宋昭宪皇太后杜氏. 直帔的形制沿袭了唐代披帛的特点,可以随意披挂。而霞帔,则成为后妃常服及外命妇礼服的配饰,被规定“非恩赐不得服”。
Xia Peisu: Mother of Computer Science in China - Fall 2020
2020年9月29日 · As the main developer of China’s first indigenously designed general-purpose electronic computer, Model 107, she is known as “Mother of Computer Science in China”. In 1991, she and her husband, Yang Liming, were elected members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
凤冠霞帔 - 百度百科
凤冠霞帔,汉语成语,拼音是fèng guān xiá pèi,意思指旧时富家女子出嫁时的装束,以示荣耀。 也指官员夫人的礼服。 出自元· 杨显之 《潇湘雨》。 元·杨显之《潇湘雨》第四折:“解下了这金花 八宝 凤冠儿,解下了这云霞五彩帔肩儿,都送与张家小姐妆台次,我甘心倒做了梅香听使。 ” [1] 择了吉日迎娶,一般的鼓乐彩舆,~,花烛拜堂,成了好事。 清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五十八回. 凤冠霞帔,汉语成语,拼音是fèng guān xiá pèi,意思指旧时富家女子出嫁时的装 …
英国萨里大学肖培教授访问我室开展学术交流 - Xidian
2019年12月20日,英国萨里大学(University of Surrey, UK)的肖培教授(Prof. Pei Xiao)应我室石嘉副教授邀请,来 我室进行学术访问交流,并于下午3:00在新科技楼1012会议室,以“Sparse Code Multiple Access (SCMA) for Future Massive Machine Communications...
Xiao Pei - Wikipedia
Xiao Pei (Chinese: 肖培; pinyin: Xiāo Péi; born January 1961) is a Chinese editor and politician who is the current deputy director of the National Supervisory Commission and deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. [1] He is a representative of the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. [2]
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