Xianbei - Wikipedia
The Xianbei (/ ʃ j ɛ n ˈ b eɪ /; simplified Chinese: 鲜卑; traditional Chinese: 鮮卑; pinyin: Xiānbēi) were an ancient nomadic people that once resided in the eastern Eurasian steppes in what is today Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, and Northeastern China.
鲜卑 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鲜卑(上古汉语擬音:*S[a]r-pe [1] ,*Sen-pe [2] ),可能分支自原始蒙古族,其語言屬蒙古語系。 祖先是古代 西伯利亞的游牧民族 东胡,後被併入匈奴帝國之下,在匈奴帝國解體後,重新佔有匈奴帝國原有土地,成為草原霸主。. 鮮卑源出自東胡。汉朝时期,匈奴以东的游牧民族被匈奴的 …
鲜卑族 - 百度百科
鲜卑是继匈奴之后在蒙古高原崛起的古代游牧民族,兴起于大兴安岭,属东胡族群,蒙古语族,是魏晋南北朝对中国影响最大的游牧民族。秦汉之际,东胡被匈奴冒顿单于打败,分为两部,分别退保乌桓山和鲜卑山,均以山名作族名,形成乌桓和鲜卑,受匈奴统治,所以鲜卑一些风俗习惯与乌 …
The Xianbei: A Chinese Dynasty Emerges from Nomadic Warriors …
2018年5月23日 · The best-known and most politically successful group within the Xianbei federation were the Tuoba Xianbei, who founded the Northern Wei Dynasty, a major power in the north during the Northern and Southern Dynasties period.
Ancient DNA sheds light on the origin and migration patterns of …
2023年11月24日 · Xianbei was one of the most powerful nomadic groups in Eastern Eurasia since the collapse of the Xiongnu empire. However, owing to a lack of first-hand written records, the origins of Xianbei and their relationships with surrounding populations remain enigmatic.
Xianbei 鮮卑 - ChinaKnowledge.de
2013年4月6日 · The Xianbei 鮮卑 were the most important and largest federation of nomad tribes of the steppe region north of China during the Jin 晉 (265-420) and Northern Dynasties 北朝 (386-581) periods. Traditional historians counted them among the Eastern Hu 東胡 barbarians and believed them to be relatives of the Wuhuan 烏桓.
2014年4月4日 · This article therefore aims to provide the most comprehensive study of the Xianbei available yet in English, to assess the overall role of the Xianbei in Chinese history, and also to examine the Xianbei as a critical case study in the more general, and controversial, process known as sinicization.
鲜卑对中国历史的巨大影响 – 民族史
2018年6月8日 · 鲜卑、契丹、蒙古、女真、满族、高句丽都起源于中国东北. 东北地区,指的是辽吉黑以及内蒙古的东北部,对多数中国人而言,东北长期以来属华夏文明的边缘,甚至是华夏文明以外,落后荒凉,但实际上,数千年来这一区域强族辈出(鲜卑、契丹、蒙古、女真、满族、高句丽),不断南下西进 ...
鲜卑族的迁移和兴衰 – 民族史
2020年12月1日 · 鲜卑族是中国古代北方东部草原东胡系分裂出来的一个部族,分为东部鲜卑和拓跋鲜卑两支,他们以成熟的骑马民族优势在魏
The Xianbei in Chinese History - Son Of China
2022年4月30日 · The Xianbei became popular in China when the Xiongnu Empire located along the northern frontier started to collapse. Despite the fact that they did not constitute an empire, they lay a foundation for several other Xianbei states of north China between the 4th and 6th Centuries. Read on to learn more about them. What is