Mi5s Plus - Twrp And Root [zip & Img][natrium] - Xiaomi …
2016年12月30日 · - flash xiaomi.eu 6.12.29 with ZCX-TWR-3.0.2-X-MI5SPlus-Natrium-16.12.26 - no problems - root 6.12.29 weekly/dev xiaomi.eu with SuperSU-v2.79-201612051815.zip - no problems I will update this thread so if you got problems or questions, just post it. Gesendet von meinem MI 5s Plus mit Tapatalk
Mi5s Plus - Discussion [rom] [stable] [multi] [xiaomi.eu]
2016年11月16日 · I flash a few xiaomi devices the last time, the Redmi 3 Pro, 3x Redmi Note 3 Pro, the Mi5 and Mi5s Plus. Only the Mi5s Plus don't know but for the other one only with china dev. Xiaomi sad on the official forum "now you can use china stable and both global roms" but it dosent work, trust me.
Mi5s Plus - Upgrading From Android 6.0 To 7.0 | Unofficial Xiaomi ...
2017年12月15日 · I bought a used Mi5s Plus. The phone has bootloader unlocked, old MIUI 8.1 xiaomi.eu 6.10.20 (dev) and TWRP 3.0.2-X by BY~XM 201601001. The plan is to flash xiaomi.eu MIUI 9.0 (stable) based on Android 7.0 and do it correctly and without risk of bricking the phone. On ROMS DOWNLOAD section...
Xiaomi Mi5s Plus: Reviews, Info, Benchmarks, Discussion
2016年10月15日 · Hi Guys, as always I want to share with you my italian review of the Xiaomi Mi5S Plus. PROs: stunning display 5.7 inch amazing performance very good battery life CONs: Desing Sharp edges No optical stabilization I bought the sample from the iBuyGou Shop. The transparent case...
Xiaomi Mi5s Plus | Unofficial Xiaomi European Community | MIUI …
2018年2月24日 · Since 2010 our web site has officially worked with Xiaomi on a variety of projects for APP translations (MIUI, Mi Home products) and bug fixing forming a large part of the Official Xiaomi Global ROM experience thanks to the great team at xiaomi.eu and its community.
Xiaomi Mi5s - Help Unlocking - Xiaomi European Community
2017年3月1日 · I just got a new Xiaomi Mi5S with global stable ROM. My experience with a Xiaomi Mi5S plus was good and fast, I just had to download the developer and install via updater and unlocking with permissions from Xiaomi. But for this Mi5S I cannot find the global developer so I don't know how to proceed with the unlocking.
Mi5s Plus, Where To Find Rom Natrium - Xiaomi European …
2016年11月21日 · Capricorn is Mi5S not Mi5sPlus. How big is your screen? If it's 5.15" you do not have a plus. If you have 128GB, do you have 4GB RAM or 6GB RAM? If it's 4GB, you have a 5S. 5S Plus has 5.7" screen and 6GB RAM for the 128GB model.
mi5s plus - Unofficial Xiaomi European Community
2017年8月25日 · Hi ! I just received my Mi5s Plus :) I'm a novice at roms, root, twrp, and all this kind of stuff. So I followed tutorials to replace the rom initially installed on my phone by the xiaomi.eu weekly rom for Mi5s Plus (natrium), using fastboot, ADB, and TWRP. I also used TWRP to root my phone, by...
(6gb, 128gb) Mi5s Plus (gold) - Xiaomi European Community
2016年12月16日 · Hey all! This is my first post on Xiaomi.eu and I'm proud to say I'm now an owner of the Mi5S Plus (6GB, 128GB) from a OnePlus One that lasted me three...
Xiaomi Mi 5S / Plus - Unofficial Xiaomi European Community
2024年2月1日 · Xiaomi Mi 5S / Plus [capricorn, natrium] ... Mi5s plus wifi mode. Faris00; 24 Oct 2018; Replies 11 Views ...