Xie Lingyun | Tang Dynasty, Poetry, Buddhism | Britannica
Xie Lingyun (born 385, Shining [now Sanjie, Shengzhou], Zhejiang province, China—died 433, Canton) was a prominent Chinese writer of the Six Dynasties era, known chiefly as a nature poet.
Xie Lingyun - New World Encyclopedia
Xie Lingyun was one of China's first nature poets, known for his poems describing "mountain and streams" (山水) landscapes. His poems, composed in the fu style of rhyme-prose, describe the beautiful mountains, lakes and rivers of southern China, often expressing a …
Staff - Harvard CNS
Ling is a Principal Scientist specialized in nanofabrication to construct nanostructures, e.g., nanotubes, Si nanowires, and ultra-narrow (~10nm) smooth trenches in Si. Her current focus is on Reactive Ion Etch (RIE). She has collaborated with faculty groups to etch specific shapes in diamond, Si, and III-V materials.
谢灵运(385年-433年), [44] 名公义,字灵运, [45] 小名客儿, [46] 祖籍陈郡阳夏(今河南省 太康县),出生于会稽郡 始宁县 (县治在今 浙江省 嵊州市 三界镇 [54])。 [44] 因祖父在会稽建有故宅“ 始宁墅 ”而移籍会稽。 [12] 晋宋间诗人、 文学家 、 [47] 旅行家 、佛学家, [50] 中国“ 山水诗派 ”鼻祖。 [48] 东晋名将 谢玄 之孙。 谢灵运早年寄养在钱塘杜家。 后袭封康乐县公,世称“谢康乐”。 [3] 晋安帝 义熙 元年(405年),谢灵运出仕为琅邪王 司马德文 的大司马行参军。 后历 …
Renewal in and through Landscape: The Great Medieval Chinese Poet Xie ...
2019年12月19日 · Though hailed as the first master of landscape poetry, Xie Lingyun (385–433) is not as widely read as other major poets of premodern China. His eventful life and difficult personality were not viewed with approval by traditional critics, and his …
Hsieh Ling-yun | poetry of China
New sunlight transfigures the shadows of old. And garden willows have transformed the singing birds. So dense! Pretty! Some man’s wife, for sure, washing those so white feet in the stream. …
Linglin Xie - Department of Nutrition
Specifically, her interests encompass four major fields: (1) examining the impact of maternal nutrition on offspring obesity and metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD); (2) gaining an understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying liver cancer; (3) studying the interactions between environmental and maternal factors i...
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I am currently a senior researcher at Huawei Inc. My research interests include Computer Vision, Multimedia Information Retrieval and Machine Learning. I have a lot of research work on generic image classification, image retrieval and other vision problems.
Ling Xie - TD Securities | LinkedIn
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Xie Lingjie, Chinese novelist, Belgium
Xie Lingjie is a Chinese novelist and teacher living in Belgium. She teaches and publishes in Mandarin Chinese.
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