XIL-II (X09LB): Extreme Ultraviolet Interference Lithography
2015年7月2日 · The X-ray Interference Lithography (XIL) beamline provides spatially coherent beam in the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) energy range. The light from the undulator source is filtered by a pinhole spatial filter to deliver spatially coherent illumination in the custom designed exposure chamber.
Endstation | BL: SLS/XIL - PSI
The center piece of the XIL endstation is the exposure chamber which houses the interferometer optics, sample stage and other diagnostic devices. The exposure and the process rooms are in the cleanroom environment equipped with amine filters.
Beamline Layout | BL: SLS/XIL - PSI
Figure 1: Layout of the XIL-II. The X-ray Interference Lithography facility is built in the same straight section with the SIS beamline. It has its own undulator and optics sharing the same optical hutch with the SIS beamline.
Interference lithography at EUV and soft X-ray ... - ScienceDirect
2015年8月1日 · XIL-II is a dedicated tool for EUV and soft X-ray IL, installed at SLS synchrotron facility at Paul Scherrer Institute. The storage ring of SLS provides 400 mA electrons with 2.4 GeV energy.
XIL-II beamline as Swiss Light Source (SLS) EUV lithography: 13.5 nm wavelength Undulator source: Spatially coherent Temporal coherence: Δλ/λ=4% Diffractive transmission gratings: Metal gratings written on Si 3 N 4 membranes with EBL diffracted beams interfere interference pattern printed in resist Advantages:
X09LB-XIL-II | WayForLight
The X-ray interference lithography facility at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) is a unique tool to obtain periodic nanostructures with periods as small as 25nm.The beamline provides spatially coherent beam in the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) energy range.
The Swiss light Source (SLS) is a dedicated high brightness synchrotron radiation source at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen, Switzerland. These specifications cover the design, manufacture and modification the existing 9LFE.
XIL-II facility at the SLS | Laboratory for X-ray Nanoscience and
The X-ray interference lithography facility at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) is a unique tool to obtain periodic nanostructures with periods as small as 25nm.The beamline provides spatially coherent beam in the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) energy range.
XIL-II beamline at Swiss Light Source (SLS): EUV lithography: 13.5 nm wavelength Undulator source: Spatially coherent beam Temporal coherence: Δλ/λ=4% Diffractive transmission gratings written with EBL on S 3 N 4 membranes (~100 nm) Diffracted beams interfere Interference pattern printed in resist Slide 3 m g p 2sin 2 T O
Schematic of the XIL-II beamline at the SLS, PSI. The violet arrows ...
Download scientific diagram | Schematic of the XIL-II beamline at the SLS, PSI. The violet arrows represent the EUV beam path. After being produced in the undulator, the beam passes through a...