How to start "Xilinx SDK" from command line instead of from …
2019年8月22日 · I'm wondering how to start "Xilinx SDK Eclipse GUI" (XSDK) directly from the command line? Currently, I'm launching XSDK by first launching "vivado", and then going to the "File->Launch SDK" menu. However, this is a bit cumbersome to always open Vivado first, just to open "Xilinx SDK".
Vivado SDK doesn't recognize the functions inside #include "math.h"
2016年7月11日 · I wrote a simple project in Vivado SDK in order to test my HW-platform developed in Vivado. My problem is that the SDK doesn't recognise the sin() function. I've included the "math.h" library with...
c++ - Xilinx SDK 2018.3 Linker error although libraries exist ...
2022年2月4日 · It looks like it's a linker issue. The OpenCV libaries in question are all installed and the includes also are as required. With lines like /mnist_live_io.cc:183: undefined reference to `cv::_InputArray::_InputArray(cv::Mat const&)' the Xilinx SDK tells me that it won't find a definition for objects and so on, although the libraries are provided.
Why are the headers not found in the Xilinx SDK?
2022年1月28日 · Reinstalling, etc. didn't work unfortunately. So I guess one question that crystallizes here is: Is there a possibility to give Eclipse/Xilinx SDK a path to a directory for all required standard header files and it searches in them? Because in some standard headers, they include other headers, which in turn aren't found by the Xilinx SDK.
undefined reference to 'function' in Xilinx Eclipse SDK
2019年2月14日 · I am confronting undefined-reference to 'function' in my C code using Xilinx Eclipse SDK. However, the functions is already built ! In fact, I found a [solved] similar issue, but I couldn't
How to debug a C program using SDK on xilinx? - Stack Overflow
Unfortunately this is one of those truly annoying SDK bugs that has been around for a long time, if you read the document here: SDK Limitations FAQ You will find a section that describes one of the limitations of the SDK: Xilinx C/C++ Debugger (GDB) debugger hangs when the Disassembly view is open. Close all your disassembly windows and try again.
How do I connect to the Vivado SDK FPGA serial port?
2018年2月12日 · Why does /dev/ttyUSB0 disappear once I program the FPGA port using Xilinx Vivado's SDK? My FPGA program is running as expected, but I'm still trying to connect to the serial port so I can read the output.
How to generate "platform.h" in a Xilinx SDK Project?
2019年12月7日 · I'm currently working on a Zynq-7000 Software project using Xilinx SDK toolchain. I've noticed that nearly all of Xilinx's Demo projects automatically generate a "platform.h" file.
Xilinx SDK (Eclipse) project command line build - Stack Overflow
Provided Xilinx SDK is an Eclipse-based IDE, how can I make Eclipse to run project clean and release|debug|all configurations build from command line/batch file?
Xilinx SDK & Stack Size: How to see/set it - Stack Overflow
2019年8月20日 · I suspect I'm having a stack overflow issue. I'm using the Xilinx SDK on a Zynq 7020 but I can't be sure. How do I find out what the stack size is that the Xilinx SDK is using, and then how do I c...