Xim Matrix 数据调校指南(平滑数值篇) - 百度贴吧
在Xim中平滑(Smoothing)系统的作用就是为玩家提供额外的稳定性,包括但不限于瞄准、拉枪,是为了减少游玩中的这些情况的出现。 与此同时,Xim中的平滑(Smoothing)系统的作用也有着使模拟手柄的手感更加偏向真实键鼠,当然这其中射击曲线(Aiming Curve)也 ...
XIM Community Forum
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Standard and Advanced - XIM MATRIX User Guide
XIM MATRIX Manager supports two types of configuration experience: Standard and Advanced.
智能操作创建指南:Xim Matrix如何设置与保存 - 百度贴吧
在XIm Matrix Manager中可以创建多种多样的智能操作(Smart Action),这些智能操作(Smart Action)可以提供比如:连点、提升跳伞时的转向速度、自动选择菜单中的物品、甚至是实现反后坐力。
Xim Matrix 数据调校指南(瞄准曲线篇) - 百度贴吧
在Xim Matrix Manager中可以通过调整瞄准曲线来实现增强辅助瞄准(Aim Assist)或者减少辅助瞄准(Aim Assist)的效果。 而且通过调整瞄准曲线(Aiming Curves)可以获得更加适合玩家自己手感的数据。
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Designed by gamers, XIM Edge provides the best possible mouse and keyboard (and more) solution for the Xbox 360 and PS3. XIM Edge is focused on quality gaming experiences .
XIM MATRIX Manager First Run - XIM MATRIX User Guide - guide.xim…
XIM MATRIX Manager is the app used to fully set up and configure your XIM MATRIX. It enables configuration in real time for fast and easy tuning of your settings. All "Configs" for XIM MATRIX are managed through it.
XIM MATRIX – XIM Technologies
XIM MATRIX is our ultimate multi-input adapter that unlocks your true potential in the shooters you play. Designed for all gamers and backgrounds: controller console gamers, mouse PC gamers, gamers with disabilities, highly competitive gamers, and those that are …
Updating Firmware - XIM MATRIX User Guide
Your XIM MATRIX is frequently being updated with new features and fixes. Even a new XIM MATRIX may have firmware that is out of date . Here you will learn how to upgrade your XIM MATRIX firmware.
What is XIM? And why do some players use XIM? : …
An XIM is a device that mimics a controller input based on a Keyboard + Mouse input coming through. Mainly in games like Apex, Rainbow Six Siege or Overwatch that do not have very strong Aim Assist, XIMs are used to unfairly use keyboard and mouse to gain advantage over players on controller (because keyboard and mouse input was not designed ...