Xing Gu, Ph.D.-西湖大学理论科学研究院 - Westlake
2022年4月12日 · Xing Gu was born in 1987 in the city of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China. He was awarded a Bachelor's degree in science in 2010 by Nankai University, a master's degree in theoratical mathematics...
Dr. Xing Gu - Westlake University
Xing Gu was born in 1987 in the city of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China. He was awarded a Bachelor's degree in science in 2010 by Nankai University, a master's degree in theoretical...
古星博士 - Westlake
古星博士的主要研究兴趣是同伦论以及李群和代数群的示性类理论。 1. X. Gu, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang and L. Zhong, The p-primary subgroups of the cohomology of BPUn in dimensions less than …
古星博士-西湖大学理论科学研究院 - Westlake
2022年4月12日 · 古星博士Xing Gu, Ph. D. 数学助理教授 同伦论与代数拓扑 邮箱:[email protected]我们必须知晓,我们必将知晓。 ——大卫·希尔伯特个人简介古星,1987年生,内蒙古呼和浩特人。
Xing Gu - Google Scholar
Assistant Professor in Mathematics, Westlake University - Cited by 91 - algebraic topology
Xing GU | Professor (Assistant) | Doctor of Philosophy | Westlake ...
Xing GU, Professor (Assistant) | Cited by 42 | of Westlake University, Hangzhou | Read 13 publications | Contact Xing GU
[1612.00506] On the Cohomology of the Classifying Spaces of …
2016年12月1日 · View a PDF of the paper titled On the Cohomology of the Classifying Spaces of Projective Unitary Groups, by Xing Gu
The cohomology of $BPU(p^m)$ and polynomial invariants
2023年6月30日 · View a PDF of the paper titled The cohomology of $BPU (p^m)$ and polynomial invariants, by Xing Gu
X. Gu, The Topological Period-Index Problem over 8-Complexes, submitted, arXiv:1709.00787. X. Gu On Topological Brauer Classes over 8-Complexes with Periods Divisible by 4, arXiv:1803.05100.
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Xing Gu
Algebraic topology, homotopy theory. Feburary 2020-. November 2017- January 2020. X. Gu, Some torsion classes in the Chow ring and cohomology of BPGLn, to appear in J. Lond. Math. Soc., DOI:10.1112/jlms.12368, arXiv: 1901.10090.
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