How do I set up my .xinitrc for multiple DE/WM? / Newbie Corner …
2011年12月23日 · In a previous forum thread, I got a reply that interested me. The user was talking about setting up the ~/.xinitrc file so that, depending on the argument passed to startx, …
~/.xinitrc not being run with GNOME - Arch Linux Forums
2014年5月22日 · It seems that sometime between 2014 and 2018 .xinitrc stopped working and it all moved to `.xprofile`, so just put your commands in there. Offline #6 2020-09-19 15:58:13
[SOLVED] Dumb question about .xinitrc - LinuxQuestions.org
2011年7月1日 · As this goes into "graphical" mode - the subsequent startx makes the info in xinitrc relevant, it gets read out and used to go into the required session, it says "exec gnome …
[SOLVED] .xinitrc and .Xresources - Arch Linux Forums
2015年4月16日 · I'm using startx to start i3-wm and also have ~/.Xresources file with some basic Xterm configuration.. According to the Wiki you need to add the following line to your ~/.xinitrc …
[Solved]There is no .xinitrc - Arch Linux Forums
2009年11月16日 · echo "exec ck-launch-session startlxde" > ~/.xinitrc Evil #[email protected] channel op and general support dude. . files on github , Screenshots , Random pics and the rest
What the /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc file should look like?
2003年5月29日 · Welcome to LinuxQuestions.org, a friendly and active Linux Community. You are currently viewing LQ as a guest. By joining our community you will have the ability to post …
[SOLVED] XFCE .xinitrc - Arch Linux Forums
2011年10月23日 · [SOLVED] XFCE .xinitrc I am experiencing a very strange bug after recently entering the GUI. Desktop cursor replace by an X. Applications such as Firefox open on top of …
How to change Desktop environment, xinitrc & xsession
2004年3月31日 · I heard that one can do so by editing the .xinitrc file (i.e by adding exec gnome-session). I did a locate xinitrc and found it resides only in /etc/xinit/. But 2 Xsessions exist, one …
cant find .xinitrc - Arch Linux Forums
2007年2月21日 · Re: cant find .xinitrc oh ok thanks, one last questionets, kind of very stupid. Whats the line for making a user properly, because im looking at all the options, and im using …
.xinitrc vs. .Xdefaults vs .Xsession - LinuxQuestions.org
2005年8月2日 · Cause it seems that I can set all the preferences in .xinitrc. Also, are .Xdefaults (.Xresources) and .Xsession also two versions of the same thing or do they do different jobs? …