小鹏汽车是一家专注未来出行的科技公司,致力于探索科技,引领未来出行变革。 小鹏汽车旗下有小鹏P7+、小鹏MONA M03、小鹏X9、2025款小鹏G6、小鹏全新P7i超智能轿跑、2025款小鹏G9和2024款小鹏P5等。
XPENG - Smart Electric Vehicles, SUVs & MPVs
XPENG's electric vehicles designed for performance, safety, and sustainability. Explore our range of smart EVs, advanced technology, and commitment to a greener future.
Future Mobility by XPENG - Advanced Electric Vehicles
Future mobility is redefined by XPENG with its advanced electric vehicles, featuring cutting-edge technologies like XPILOT driver assistance and Xmart OS.
小鹏X9 超智驾大七座 | 小鹏汽车官网 - Xiaopeng
小鹏X9是一款”好灵活、强智能、大空间、多场景”的纯电智能大七座车型,标配后轮转向+双腔空悬的MPV。 小鹏X9拥有第三排电动靠背及头枕调节+电动魔术收纳功能,同时作为扶摇架构旗舰车型,配备全域800V+前后一体式铝压铸+XNGP全场景智能辅助驾驶+首发XOS天玑系统。
XPeng - Wikipedia
Guangzhou Xiaopeng Motors Technology Co., Ltd., trading as XPeng Motors (Chinese: 小鹏汽车; pinyin: Xiǎopéng Qìchē), commonly known as XPeng, is a Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer. The company is headquartered in Guangzhou, Guangdong, with offices in Mountain View, California, United States and Munich, Germany.
XPENG P7 - Sleek Electric Sedan with Advanced Technology
Take control of your in-car experience and your XPENG's external functions while keeping your attention on the road ahead. With "Hey XPENG", you can get an accurate update on your range and power consumption, control your windows and steering wheel assistance, adjust the climate effortlessly, and much more.
XPENG Hong Kong - Explorer of Future Mobility
Discover our newest models, customize your smart EVs and drive today the car of tomorrow. Welcome to the official website of XPENG Hong Kong!
Xipeng Qiu(邱锡鹏) - Google Scholar
Other names Xipeng Qiu, QIU XI-PENG, Xi-Peng Qiu. Professor of Computer Science, Fudan University. Verified email at fudan.edu.cn - Homepage. LLM NLP ML DL AI. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by …
小鵬首間香港陳列室開幕!SUV G6 首度登場 HK $289,900 起
2024年7月19日 · 車主亦可以終生免費使用XPENG App,透過Over-the-air(OTA)隨時隨地為車輛進行更新,無須特意到服務中心完成,省時快捷。 小鵬汽車旗下兩大車款:純電智能標竿SUV G6及旗艦七座X9備受車主歡迎,銷售訂單至今兩個月衝破500架次,而第一批G6亦將於第三季開始交付。 所有香港小鵬車主可專享大灣區聯保,在穿梭澳門、深圳、廣州、珠海時得到強大支援,加上首任車主終生動力電池保用,令車主安心無憂。 另外,車主可以終生免費使用XPENG …
XPENG X9 超智能七座 MPV 打破傳統面貌 - Car1.hk
2024年1月15日 · 由全球最大的量產壓鑄機械——擁有12,000噸鎖模力的XPENG X9鍛造而成,該車型採用行業首創的前後一體式鋁合金壓鑄車身結構,具有驚人的扭轉剛度,達到46,000牛·米/度。 此外,XPENG X9採用2,000兆帕的安全籠結構,並融合了19個環狀安全設計。 其車身結構融合了多種高強度鋼材和輕量級鋁合金材料,滿足了中國、美國和歐洲對於後碰撞的安全標準。 XPENG一直走在推進駕駛技術的前沿。 從2024年1月2日開始,XPENG的全套ADAS XNGP …