Product Manager / Xjet - Utilities - X-Plane.Org Forum
2020年10月29日 · Xjet plugin - Essential so that all Airfoillabs products work with X-Plane 11 / X-Plane 12 Product Manager app (works as standalone app or inside X-Plane 11) - Software distribution, auto-updates and DRM system. New Product Manager / Xjet 2.1.0 version is released. This version is compatible with X-Plane 12. Version 1.5.1 is compatible with X ...
Product Manager + Xjet update 1.5.1 - Reshade compatibility and …
2020年12月7日 · 2. Product Manager/xjet always automatically deletes old installations. It never does anything outside of ..\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet folder. 3. Previously xjet was able to update itself via Product Manager. This feature is no longer supported as it created very complicated interdependencies, resulting in different issues.
XJet plugin FAQ - Page 2 - Airfoillabs - X-Plane.Org Forum
2017年5月17日 · XP 10.51, XP11 and XP12; Alpha yoke; Bravo controls; RealSimGear G1000 and 530; Saitek Cessna rudder pedals; Saitek TPM panel; Saitek switch, radio and multi panels; T1600 Joystick for Diamonds, etc.; my son's hand-me-down Win10 PC with sufficient video oomph without stuttering, due for a major upgrade; two 27 inch monitors; mouse; keyboard.
Product Manager with xjet 1.5 brings Vulkan/Metal compatibility
2020年10月29日 · 1. Product Manager/xjet always automatically deletes old installations. It never does anything outside of ..\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet folder. 2. Previously xjet was able to update itself via Product Manager. This feature is no longer supported as it created very complicated interdependencies, resulting in different issues.
Update XJet Plugin - Airfoillabs - X-Plane.Org Forum
2020年11月6日 · When I start my X-Plane program the AirFoil Labs program opens. It shows the XJet Plugin UP TO DATE. However, it shows that my King Air 350 needes to be updated. When I attempt to update it I get a message that the XJet Plugin must be updated PRIOR to updating the King Air 350. When I attempt to ...
XJet for XP12 - AFL Product Manager - X-Plane.Org Forum
2023年12月18日 · Download links for current version of Product Manager & XJet installer are as follows. Windows: https ...
XJet Release 1.4.1 Solving Reactivation/Download Issues
2019年4月10日 · New XJet 1.4.1 was released now. We have fixed issues with Reactivation and Download. How to update to new XJet 1.4.1: Option 1: Download from x-plane.org store and launch installer again, it will automatically uninstall old version and install the new one. Option 2: Autoupdate XJet via Prodcut Manager - always use Standalone App.
Xjet plugin - King Air 350 XP11 - X-Plane.Org Forum
2019年6月8日 · Trying to install an updated XJet plugin. The Product Manger shows XJet as updated but when trying to update King Air 350 gets a message that XJet plugin must be updated first. How do I do that? What is a "fresh installer"? xjet_log.txt. Edited October 30, 2020 by …
Cannot get C172 to work. XJet has issues running that seem to be …
2024年12月17日 · When I start X-Plane 12, the XJet plugin does not load, and I can't use the plane. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get XJet to properly detect Java on my system and run properly. I've tried Setting JAVA_HOME in my .profile
XJet Plugin appears broken, can't use C172 NG Digital
2024年12月16日 · Hey folks, I bought the C172 NG Digital plane and I can't get it to work in my X-Plane 12. The Airfoillabs plugin does not run, and it is not in my plugin menu or list of plugins either. I successfully activated the plane by running the "airfoil labs product manager" from `X-Plane 12/resources/pl...