PRO LINE - XLO Electric
XLO™ Pro. For over twenty five years XLO has presided over the manufacturing of their products for 100% quality control backed with a limited lifetime. warranty. We have the design and engineering expertise to form all of our cable’s components right down to our precision machined connectors. Using special metals, premium dielectrics, XLO’s
All XLO cable lines feature very low capacitance and inductance making an easy match with a wide variety of components. But no one buys cable for their technical specifications; they just want their system to sound better. And XLO products allow you to hear more deeply and feel more connected to music than ever before!
向大家推荐一根电源线 - 音 响 论 坛 -耳机俱乐部论坛
2003年7月2日 · xlo在sony和天龙以及mark的系统中应该正面表现更多,不太匹配cd15的声音。 高档电源线的效果相当于换一个器材。 不相信拉倒。
XLO PRO 600 Speaker Cables - Audio Review
I found the XLO Pro 600 to be the best suited one for my system after trying out Monster Cable, VDH Clearwater and Cabletalk. I was looking for a cleaner sound (better transients, soundstage imaging)without harsh trebbles.
- 评论数: 4
XLO Collection - Page 1 - Parts Connexion
XLO PRO USB2.0 Series A-B Cable 3M For over twenty five years XLO has presided over the manufacturing of their products for 100% quality control backed with a limited lifetime warranty. We have the design and engineering expertise to form all of our... View full details
超出想象的入门级Hi-End线材, XLO PRO喇叭线 - FIPLAY
2020年11月17日 · 美国XLO旗下线材均采用纯度高达99.99997%的实验室级铜,配备航天级聚四氟乙烯绝缘层,具有超薄(仅0.076mm)、超低电容的特点,绝缘层采用特选的高性能非含氟聚合物制作。
XLO PRO Series Terminated AC Power Cable 6FT
XLO PRO AC Power Cable 6FT. For over twenty five years XLO has presided over the manufacturing of their products for 100% quality control backed with a limited lifetime warranty. We have the design and engineering expertise to form all of our cable’s components right down to our precision machined connectors.
请用过“志高”(XLO) PRO PL-1500电源线散线的朋友介绍一下 …
2003年6月5日 · 谢谢发烧弼,我的系统目前情况就是高频过量,低频不足。 低價的XLO聲音帶粗, 拉得很硬很緊, 想清楚才好. 哦! 是绿XLO,线身很软,该线低频厚实,中频亮丽,高频不是那么明显.45元一米可购买. “咸菜”只起调音作用。 谢谢发烧弼,我的系统目前情况就是高频过量,低频不足。 45元/米? 是否流野。 请慎重! 这种情况不宜用,因为我的系统刚好与你相反,低频肥慢和高频暗,所以用XLO收紧低频,但高频过量低频不足的系统用它只会使高频更生硬从而中高频有 …
XLO Electric
In the end, this is what XLO delivers. It offers more space, more texture more tri-dimensionality, more air around the instruments. It reveals the instruments true tonality. It creates a barrier to digital and electrical noise, it paints a pitch-black background in front of which the performance takes place. All this, to bring the listener more ...
Cable Asylum: REVIEW: XLO Pro 1200 Cable by LowPhreak - Audio Asylum
Excellent speaker cable for the price, and IMO does a better job than the comparably priced Kimber, Monster, AudioQuest, etc. Also sounds better than my old Audio Research LitzLine which was about 4 times more expensive.