CTAN: Package xlop
Xlop (eXtra Large OPeration) will typeset arithmetic problems either in-line or “as in school” (using French school conventions). So for example, \opadd{2}{3} can give either $2+3=5$ or something similar to: \begin{tabular}{r} 2\\ +3\\ \hline 5\end{tabular} .
about how use xlop. Addition is displayed “like in school”: this is th. default displaying. We have an alignment on dots (operand’s dot and result’s dot), operator symbol is put on the left and it is vertically centered between the operands, and the decimal separator is a …
CTAN: CTAN-ann - xlop
2005年4月28日 · xlop – Calculates and displays arithmetic operations Xlop (eXtra Large OPeration) will typeset arithmetic problems either in-line or “as in school” (using French school conventions). So for example, \opadd{2}{3} can give either $2+3=5$ or something similar to: \begin{tabular}{r} 2\\ +3\\ \hline 5\end{tabular}.
L’extension xlop a été développée pour permettre de réaliser automati- quement des calculs arithmétiques sur des nombres de taille quelconque et d’afficher les résultats sous forme posée ou en ligne.
How to write your own result using the xlop package
2021年9月16日 · This package allows you to have full control over the operation output and replace the automatic results with your manual solutions, without relying on the default behavior of software like xlop. Here a version with carries/AffRetenues and without it.
Change display style in xlop package - LaTeX Stack Exchange
I recently discovered the package xlop to typeset automatically elementary school calculations. Using this for division for example like this, gives the output below.
Newest 'xlop' Questions - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
{xlop} is about the eXtra Large OPeration package. The {xlop} package calculates and displays arithmetic operations.
xlop - MiKTeX
2020年11月24日 · Xlop (eXtra Large OPeration) will typeset arithmetic problems either in-line or “as in school” (using French school conventions). So for example, \opadd{2}{3} can give either $2+3=5$ or something similar to: \begin{tabular}{r} 2\\ +3\\ \hline 5\end{tabular}.
XML Language-Oriented Processing with XLOP - IEEE Xplore
This paper presents XLOP (XML Language-Oriented Processing), an environment that permits the description of XML processing applications with attribute grammars (formalism used to describe the semantics of computer languages).
CTAN: /tex-archive/macros/generic/xlop
xlop – Calculates and displays arithmetic operations Xlop (eXtra Large OPeration) will typeset arithmetic problems either in-line or “as in school” (using French school conventions). So for example, \opadd{2}{3} can give either $2+3=5$ or something similar to: \begin{tabular}{r} 2\\ +3\\ \hline 5\end{tabular}.