M134 Minigun - Wikipedia
The Minigun is used by several branches of the U.S. military. Versions are designated M134 and XM196 by the United States Army, and GAU-2/A and GAU-17/A by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy.
XM196 系列机枪 - 枪炮世界
XM196机枪是GAU-2B/A(M134的美国空军型号)的改进型,主要是改进了抛壳装置,是专门为AH-56“夏延人”直升机项目研制的,原计划中,火力强大的AH-56直升机有多种武器,包括机腹的30mm链式机炮和机鼻下方的小炮塔,机鼻小炮塔可选用的武器有两种,一种是配备 XM129榴弹发射器 的XM51武装系统,另一种就是使用XM196机枪的XM53武器系统。
M134 Mk.44 GAU-17A Minigun rotary machine gun system
The M134 Minigun is a 7.62x51mm NATO, six-barrel rotary machine gun with a high rate of fire (2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute) which can also fire at a high sustained rate. It features Gatling-style rotating barrels with an external power source, normally an electric motor.
Minigun 的应用:固定翼飞机平台 - 枪炮世界
第二代被命名为XM18E1(后来陆军将其正式定型为M18)和SUU-11A/A,该型号的特点是通过飞机挂架进行电气连接,使用飞机提供的电力来驱动武器的电机,由于取消了内部动力装置因此增大了弹鼓容积,携弹量增加至1,500发,同时又降低了机枪射速,并增加了射速选择功能,可选射速为2,000发/分或4,000发/分,这样大大低于原本M134的射速。 第三代被命名为M18A1和SUU-11B/A,该型号的特点是将可选的射速重新调高,分别为3,000发/分或6,000发/分。 这一系列 …
M134 Minigun - ACME Worldwide
The Minigun is used by several branches of the U.S. military. Versions are designated M134 and XM196 by the United States Army, and GAU-2/A and GAU-17/A by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy.
U.S. helicopter armament subsystems - Wikipedia
These systems are used for offensive and defensive purposes and make use of a wide variety of weapon types including, but not limited to machine guns, grenade launchers, autocannon, and rockets. Various systems are still in use, though many have become obsolete.
Abstract : This report describes the engineering test of the XM-196 5.56 mm tracer cartridge. The purpose of the test was to determine cartridge physical dimensions, accuracy, tracer performance, cook-off, vibration effects, brush deflection, erosion, penetration (pine board, steel helmet, and armored vest), and gun functioning.
This report describes the engineering test of the XM-196 5.56 mm tracer cartridge. The purpose of the test was to determine cartridge physical dimensions, accuracy, tracer performance, cook-off, vibration effects, brush deflection, erosion, penetration pine board, steel helmet, and armored vest, and gun functioning.
现代加特林机枪机炮 ——〖枪炮世界〗
这种机枪通常由6至10根枪管“捆”成一圈,当射手摇动曲柄时,这一圈的枪管便旋转起来,并装填入枪弹发射,其射速在每分钟可超过200发——现在看起来很慢,但在单发步枪的时候这已经是了不起的成就了。 而加特林博士发明的这种转管机枪的原理也被命名为加特林原理。 但当1890年马克沁机枪出现后,这种笨重、难操作的武器马上就显得落伍,当时加特林尝试过通过电动机来提高射速和让射手更省力,但由于枪的重量太大,而且当时的观念认为每分钟超过3,000发的高射速 …
M134 Minigun | Machine Gun Around The World Wiki | Fandom
A separate variant, designated XM196, with an added ejection sprocket was developed specifically for the XM53 Armament Subsystem on the Lockheed AH-56 Cheyenne helicopter. Another variant was developed by the USAF specifically for flexible installations, beginning primarily with the Bell UH-1N Twin Huey helicopter, as the GAU-17/A. Produced by ...