XM734 Mounted Infantry Combat Vehicle (1966)
The XM734 was a modified M113 with a centrally mounted one-man enclosed gun cupola carrying in its first version two heavy Machine-Guns, and an optional rear pintle to mount a recoiless rifle, twi more pintles for light machine guns, firing through its top hatch.
Variants of the M113 armored personnel carrier - Wikipedia
XM734 – mechanized infantry combat vehicle (MICV) prototype. Variant of the standard M113A1 APC with four firing ports and vision blocks on each side of the hull. XM741/M741 – carrier vehicle for the M163 Vulcan Air Defense System (VADS). M752 – MGM-52 Lance missile launcher. M667 with Lance launch fixture.
“Spitting Death," a rare 1960s military vehicle, is ready ... - Hagerty
2021年1月6日 · May I present to you Spitting Death, a Vietnam-era 1966 XM734 (MICV) born from the more common M113 (APC), currently listed for sale in Metro Atlanta for a hefty $85,000. Here’s why it’s so valuable.
MICV-65 - Wikipedia
The primary concept studied under MICV-65 was a new IFV. Two main proposals were submitted, Pacific Car and Foundry's XM701 based on the M109 and M110 self-propelled artillery, and FMC's XM734 based on the M113. The program eventually selected the XM701 for further work.
XM734 Mounted Infantry Combat Vehicle (MICV) - GlobalSecurity.org
2012年3月10日 · In 1964 a more powerful diesel engine was added making it the M113A1. This APC was produced in large numbers and used by armies around the world. It saw service in Vietnam. It could carry a...
M113裝甲運兵車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M113 是一種 美國 生產的 裝甲運兵車,外銷世界上諸多國家,以便宜好用、改裝方便著稱於世,在近代軍事史有重要地位。 M113採用全 履帶 配置並有部分兩棲能力,也有越野能力,在公路上可以高速行駛。 M113家族有極多的變型版可以擔任運輸到火力支援等等戰場角色,超過80,000輛的生產量遍佈世界。 [1] 雖然它不是 坦克 但是也能設計成戰鬥載具,M113在 越戰 時期甚至是裝甲覆蓋最完全的載具,也使得後續的諸多裝甲步兵戰車從它獲得靈感,至今21世紀M113各種改 …
M113 Series - Armored Personnel Carrier - NSN Depot
Powered by a 215hp (160 kW) 6V-53 Detroit Diesel engine and the ability to travel 300 miles (483 km), at a speed of 40mph on land (64km/h) and 3.5mph (5.6km/h) in water. The acceleration rate is approximately 0-20mph (31km/h) in 10.5secs. Also known as the “M220 TOW Vehicle.”
XM734 MICV (Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle) - Flickr
FMC did continue to test versions of the XM734, which led to the AIFV (Advanced Infantry Fighting Vehicle) later adopted by the Netherlands. Battlefield Vegas has at least a dozen M113s of various marks, including this XM734, identifiable by the firing ports in the rear hull.
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XM734 - Army Guide
Army Guide - information about the main battle tanks, armoured vehicles and armament of the land forces and also the information concerning other army subjects - XM734, Tracked armoured personnel carrier, Armoured Vehicles
Advice on purchasing either a M113 or an M114 - SteelSoldiers
2008年9月14日 · I have the opportunity to purchase Either a 1961 M113 (Gas Engine) that was recently rebuilt and looks sharp and comes with many extras. Its the XM734 version with the skirts for swimming. Or.. An M114 A1 E1 with a legal and working M139 20MM. Also fully restored and lots of extras including extra set of tracks.