Joint Program Executive Office for Armaments & Ammunition
The XM919 Individual Assault Munition (IAM) will be a lightweight fire from enclosure, recoilless, single shot, multi-target munition capable of defeating earth and timber bunkers,...
(XM919 Tactical & Training Systems) • XM919 is a modernized single-shot munition with a multi-target capability • IAM system consists of the XM919 Tactical SLM, XM922 sub-caliber trainer,...
Army eyeing XM919 Individual Assault Munition weapon system
2022年12月7日 · The future weapon, known as the XM919 Individual Assault Munition (IAM), is required to “penetrate and deliver incapacitating effects” against buildings, field fortifications, bunker fighting...
The XM919 Individual Assault Munition | Soldier Systems Daily
2023年9月27日 · Intended to replace the M72 LAW, M136 and M136A1 AT-4 anti-tank weapons, and M141 Bunker Defeat Munition, the XM919 IAM tactical munition is a disposable, lightweight, single shot, multi-target, and Fire from Enclosure (FFE) …
Soldiers Set to Get One Shoulder-Fired Round to Replace Multiple ...
2024年9月6日 · The service awarded a $494 million contract to Swedish defense contractor Saab in late August to furnish soldiers with the XM919 Individual Assault Munition, a single-shot multi-mission round...
Saab Gets Big XM919 Shoulder-Fired Anti-Armor Launcher Order …
2024年8月28日 · The Army plans to replace its existing mix of M72, M136, and M141 shoulder-fired anti-armor weapons with new IAMs, also already referred to as XM919s. The Pentagon’s daily contracting announcement today includes a firm-fixed-price award valued at $494,350,000 to Saab Inc. for an unspecified number of XM919s.
萨博公司赢得美国陆军XM919单兵突击弹药订单 合同价值4.94亿美元
2024年8月29日 · 美国陆军对xm919的要求是一次性使用的单兵武器,重量不超过20磅(约9公斤),长度不超过40英寸(约1米),能够从外壳中发射,射程可达1640英尺 ...
AUSA 2023: US Army seeks proposals for XM919 Individual …
2023年10月11日 · The US Army is moving ahead with a long-planned effort to consolidate and update its shoulder-launched munitions (SLMs) and issued a request for proposals (RFP) for the XM919 system in September...
瑞典通吃單兵火箭系統市場,美軍選擇 Saab 為 XM919 供應商
2024年8月28日 · 為了降低官兵負擔,美軍在 2022 年開始開發名為「單兵攻擊彈藥」(Individual Assault Munition,IAM),代號為 X919,可讓士兵依照任務需求,調整成高爆、反裝甲和反碉堡/野戰工事等三種不同功能,未來將全面取代 AT4、M72 和 Mk141 / 153 等現役火箭彈。 美軍開出的條件是 IAM 總重不得超過 9.07 公斤、長度不可超過 101.6 公分,且能夠在密閉空間中發射,射程必須達到 500 公尺以上。 競標廠商由開發出 AT-4、NLAW 和卡爾古斯塔夫無後座力砲 …
Saab Clinches $494M Deal to Supply Assault Munitions to US Army
2024年8月29日 · Saab has won a $494-million contract to supply the US Army with XM919 Individual Assault Munitions (IAM). According to the US Department of Defense, the Swedish company’s proposal bested two others, but it did not reveal the names of the losing firms.