M984 120 mm Extended Range DPICM Mortar Cartridge
2011年7月7日 · The XM984 is an Army technology-based initiative which responds to a user need to extend the performance envelope of US Army heavy mortar systems by providing battlefield survivability via...
Advanced 120mm Mortar Munition - Defense Update
2005年1月25日 · XM984 Extended Range Mortar Cartridge (ERMC) is currently under development for the US Army 120 mm M120/M121 mortar system. Compared to a conventional M934 bomb fired from this system will reach a maximum range of 7,200 metres, the XM984 is expected to almost double the range, to reach 12,000 m’.
Picatinny Arsenal - The Joint Center of Excellence for Guns and …
The 120mm Extended Range Mortar Cartridge (ERMC), designated XM984, provides the maneuver battalion with an overmatching lethality against a variety of...
120 mm M984 extended-range DPICM mortar round - Wikipedia
The 120 mm M984 extended-range DPICM mortar round was developed by the US Army Ordnance. It is a 120mm caliber mortar cluster munition that can carry a variety of payloads including either 54 M80 dual-purpose submunitions or six mines. [1] .
M984 120 mm Extended Range DPICM Mortar Cartridge
The M984 120 mm Extended Range DPICM Mortar Cartridge [ERMC / ER-DPICM] effort is demonstrating a generically configured 120 mm extended range mortar cartridge which can deliver a variety of payloads, including cost-effective anti-materiel / antipersonnel sub-munitions, enhanced screening and multi-spectral smoke, white and IR illumination, coun...
Tag: XM984 - Defense Update
Controp: Defining Clarity with End-to-End EO/IR Solutions
Use XM984 extended range DPICM mortar round with larger fins and rocket motor for range in excess of 12 km. Redesign the tank fuze to arm with lower accelerations
美国120毫米迫击炮弹 - 道客巴巴
2015年7月31日 · XM984 式 1 20 毫米迫击炮 子母弹携有 54 个 XM80 式子弹,射程可达 1 0 000 1 2 000 米。 弹体采用复合材料,位 于M234 式自毁引信之后的弹头部装有火箭 发动机。
120 mm M984 extended-range DPICM mortar round
The 120 mm M984 extended-range DPICM mortar round was developed by the US Army Ordnance. It is a 120mm caliber mortar cluster munition that can carry a variety of payloads including either 54 M80 dual-purpose submunitions or six mines. [1] .
美军现役野战火炮和迫击炮系统详解 - 百度文库