XMD-MSA website
The XMD-MSA specifications encompass all 10 Gbit/s pluggable modules; including XFP modules, XENPAK modules, X2 modules and XPAK modules. Prior to this announcement, the MSA committee released a new revision of the TOSA/ROSA specifications issued in October, 2004. New specifications for the MSA can be available from the following XMD-MSA members.
The XMD MSA documents already published are listed as follows. The document name, title, the latest revision number, and the issue date are in the list. 4.1 Electrical and Optical Specification of TOSA [XMD 01] MSA_XMD_TOSA_DML: “Electrical & Optical Interfaces of TOSA DML” Rev.1.2 January 17, 2006
The newly available XMD-MSA specifications detail the direct-modulation Distributed-Feed-back (DFB) or Fabry-Perot (FP) laser TOSA, and the PIN Photodiode - Trans-Impedance Amplifier (PIN-TIA) ROSA.
Eudyna器件公司,三菱电工,Oki电工,Opnext以及住友电工今天共同宣布推出基于10G微型器件多源协议(XMD-MSA)的光器件通用规格。 据了解,这种规格 用户名: 密码: 验证码:
We developed the EMwL-TOSA (EMwL Transmitter Optical Sub-Assembly) as the light source for the XFP and achieved a performance with favorable transmission characteristics that satisfactorily meet the requirement specifications of the XFP, as shown below.
We have successfully developed an XFP (10 Gbit/s small form factor pluggable) optical transceiver module supporting long link distance up to 80 km at 11.1 Gbit/s, which satisfies all of the requirements by XFP multi source agreement (MSA).
MSA_XMD_General Rev 2.0 - 百度文库
The XMD MSA documents already published are listed as follows. The document name, title, the latest revision number, and the issue date are in the list. The specifications of OSAs are prescribed by combination of the Electrical & Optical interfaces and the Physical interface in the listed documents.
光模块MSA多源协议详细解析 - CSDN博客
2022年6月20日 · 从最早被定义的GBIC MSA规范开始追溯MSA组织的发展,MSA加速助力了SFP+、CFP、QSFP-DD等光模块的接受进程,从而促进光模块支持更高速率的400G带宽。 (图为被批准的光模块多源协议) 随着技术的发展,光模块的尺寸会越来越小,单位时间内传输的数据容量也会越来越大,这也意味着未来会不断有新的MSA出现。 以上就是本期文章的全部内容,关注我们,一起学习更多光模块知识! 易天光通信(ETU-LINK)是专业的光模块制造商,如需了 …
XFP is the most advanced MSA providing compact 10 Gbit/s modules while achieving lower power consumption at a significantly lower cost. To fulfill the requirements, the five chip and module manufactures formed a MSA for TOSA/ROSA devices to develop devices with the capability to reduce the cost and power consumption within XFP modules.
It is designed for use in small form-factor pluggable (XFP) transceivers and other types of optical modules for high-speed telecommunica-tion and data applications including WDM SONET OC-192, SDH STM-64 and 10 Gibabit Ethernet. The 1625/26 -Series is available in the full range of C-band ITU-T wavelengths operating at 10 Gb/s per channel.