Xmind - Mind Mapping App
Xmind is the most professional and popular mind mapping tool. Millions of people use Xmind to clarify thinking, manage complex information, brainstorming, get work organized, remote and work from home WFH.
Download - Xmind - Mind Mapping App
Download Xmind app for MacOS, Windows, or any other devices that you have. You can even use it online at Xmind.works.
万物皆可 Xmind 理性逻辑、鬼马创意还是灵感碰撞,任何思考都能在这款高效支持云同步和实时协作的全功能思维工具上,释放 ...
Xmind 2020 - 超赞!一款全新的思维导图软件 | Xmind - 全功能思 …
Xmind 2020是一款全新的思维导图软件,历时三年匠心打造,100%重写了思维导图引擎的每一个细节。Xmind 2020操作界面简洁,稳定性高,功能强大;对所有主题进行了重新设计,支持Markdown,让你肆意头脑风暴,快速创建内容丰富的思维导图。Xmind 2020对XMind 8 做到了完全兼容,可与Xmind for iOS/Android跨平台 ...
XMind 8 Pro - Xmind - Mind Mapping App
Xmind is the most professional and popular mind mapping tool. Millions of people use Xmind to clarify thinking, manage complex information, brainstorming, get work organized, remote and work from home WFH.
免费下载 Xmind思维导图
关于 Xmind | Xmind思维导图
Xmind是一个全功能的思维导图和头脑风暴软件,为激发灵感和创意而生。Xmind思维导图软件免费下载,产品介绍,购买。Xmind (移动端+桌面端)、XMind 8、Xmind 移动版。支持Windows,Mac(macOS)、Linux、iOS和Android(安卓)完整覆盖电脑端移动端各操作系统。
Xmind - Logiciel de Mind Mapping
Xmind est l'outil de mind mapping le plus professionnel et le plus populaire. Des millions de personnes utilisent Xmind pour clarifier la pensée, gérer des informations complexes, faire du brainstorming, organiser le travail, travailler à distance et à domicile.
Features - Xmind - Mind Mapping App
Why Millions Choose Xmind With collaborative mind mapping and soon-to-launch AI features, Xmind sparks creativity and enhances efficiency in both work and life.
Sign In - Xmind - Mind Mapping App
Xmind is the most professional and popular mind mapping tool. Millions of people use Xmind to clarify thinking, manage complex information, brainstorming, get work organized, remote and work from home WFH.