Interpreting xmrig message output when connected to p2pool
2022年7月30日 · So XMRig will show “accepted” but that doesn’t mean you have a “share” just the job that the pool sent to you was accepted back. You will never see that a share was accept or found through XMRig. Only way to see that is the output through p2pool Watch the observer to see if you have any shares that have actually been accepted.
New to XMRig? Here's some config.json tips! : r/MoneroMining
2021年9月18日 · Im running xmrig on an rpi4 8gb. If I run with set to one thread via command line with -t=1 i get 75 h/s. With 4 cores, shouldnt this be about 300? But never happens. how could you use only core 0 and core 2 (1st and 3rd, or 2nd and 4th?) maybe this way I could get 75x2?
Gupax v1.0.0 released - GUI for P2Pool+XMRig : r/Monero - Reddit
2022年12月20日 · XMRig tab - “XMRig binary not found at the given PATH in the Gupax tab!” When hovering over the start button. No option to configure on Gupax tab. Check for update still says same thing. (Both are set to auto-start.. but never do) Am I suppose to be running the P2Pool/XMrig executables or something? Doesn’t seem like it even tried to lol.
How to force XMRIG to use all the cores and threads? : r/NiceHash …
Software/App: Stand alone XMRig Mining software. Generated config.json using xmrig wizard. At first I can only see 2 cores running with my hashrate of 127.4 H/S Editing config.json worked. I got all 4 cores running on my Intel N3520 CPU.
XMRig affinity setting : r/MoneroMining - Reddit
2021年8月15日 · Nexo is the world’s leading regulated digital assets institution. The company's mission is to maximize the value and utility of digital assets through our comprehensive product suite including advanced trading solutions, liquidity aggregation, tax-efficient asset-backed credit lines, a high-yield Earn Interest product, as well as the Nexo Platform and Nexo Wallet with …
Xmrig running on cpu on VM. How to fix? : r/MoneroMining - Reddit
2021年8月29日 · A lot of my first tests with Minecore were on VMs. The downside is persistence, which takes a little more work. But if it's not a VM, the suggestion is still valid. Running a complete system fully prepared for xmrig performance (and therefore with full access to the processor), will most likely solve the MSR problem.
How to fix "read error: "end of file"" message in xmrig?
2021年5月4日 · My miners do not have an antivirus or a firewall. The computer whom I control the miners with has a firewall but not an antivirus.
How do I disable the XMRig donate function ... - Monero Stack …
2021年6月5日 · One also needs to make sure that they have the following set in their config.json: "donate-level": 0.From the names of the constants in donate.h it can be inferred that they are responsible for the default and for the minimum donation.
Setting up XMRig to mine RTM : r/raptoreum - Reddit
2022年1月28日 · I have and am currently running XMRig to mine monero. Yeah I have the proper pool url with the stratum included. I’ve tired a couple different ones to see if it was just a connection issue. I’ve tried flockpool, minafacil, and raptoreumemporeum. With …
How can I use XMRig to connect to monerod - Monero Stack …
2021年6月3日 · For starting monerod, you don't need any specific settings for localhost connections from XMRig (as used like above). If however you intend to connect instances of XMRig not running localhost to the daemon, you will need to adjust the above pool IP to that of the IP you will run monerod on, and start monerod with an appropriate --rpc-bind-ip ...