OLED Display Programming - XOD Programming Questions - XOD …
2024年12月6日 · Is there anybody that knows of any video tutorials on using XOD to integrate an OLED display? I have watched tutorials on OLEDs and they have just added to the confusion. Thank you in advance, I’m still learning this whole Arduino/XOD thing. I don’t have the opportunity to use it very much.
XOD Community
2025年3月3日 · Working with SD card in XOD ide. XOD Programming Questions. 1: 27: December 16, 2024 ...
Problem with not having the ESP 32 board in XOD
2020年7月9日 · I recently bought an ESP 32 (HELTEC WiFi kit 32) and was able to load and run the “blinking” sketch using arduino IDE…however, when attempting to upload a XOD sketch, the upload failed…due to no board for the ESP 32 was listed in the available boards in the serial monitor. How do I get an updated version of the boards for XOD? And, why wasn’t XOD using the board the the arduino IDE ...
AJ-SR04M Ultrasonic Module - XOD Community
2024年2月29日 · Hi Hi, I’m working on a project with an ultrasonic module that I’d like to have a range from 20 cm to 400 cm. I find that the normal HC-SR04 module just doesn’t seem to work with this range. I am using an AJ_SR04M module; however, the Xod code will not work with this module but works fine with the HC module with no changes. Using a small Arduino IDE sketch, both modules will display the ...
XOD 0.14.0 released - Announcements - XOD Community
2017年10月4日 · The debugger and watches! Now, you can watch for value changes in real-time right inside the desktop XOD IDE. Place a xod/core/watch node, link it, and upload the program with “Debug after upload” checkbox set. The debugger also lets you view incoming serial data log like the Serial Monitor in Arduino IDE does. Bulk selection and mass actions.
One Reason I absolutely love the XOD IDE - XOD Community
2024年3月12日 · The cad drawing was done with Orcad 3 in “Dos”. I could not remember the logic wiring connections from 27 years ago, but XOD made it easy to figure that out. Just put some nods together, connect some jumpers and easily manipulate the logic to the pins. I would have been forever struggling with the Arduino IDE to do it.
Library for Mpu 6050 (gy-521) - XOD Community
2018年9月29日 · Add the new version 1.2.3 of the gabbapeople/mbot-lib using the XOD IDE client. Now you need to require a third-party Arduino-library, but at this moment requiring third-party libraries possible only from master branches of GitHub repositories
ESP32 led compile error - XOD Community
2019年3月23日 · If it can work in IDE port2, but not in XOD, it is something that also happens in ESP8266. There is also a problem already reported load for ESP32, I do not know if this is the case, I do not have a board for testing.
My first XOD Tutorial - Look What I’ve Done - XOD Community
2018年3月31日 · I start by explaining the principles of XOD and then move on to using the IDE to build an enhanced version of the classic Arduino “Blink” sketch. I then move on to build an LCD Temperature and Humidity display using an LCD1602 with I2C connector and a DHT22 temperature sensor.
simulation not working - XOD Community
2024年5月12日 · Hello, first of all, I would like to thank everyone who developed “XOD” and helped it develop. I am Adnan, I am trying to make and learn software by using xod IDE in my own simple projects. Today, I realized that the simulation does not work in the xod desktop program and the web browser.