XOF - Metal Gear Wiki
XOF was first created by Major Zero as an unconventional support-unit to its CIA-counterpart, FOX, where members would secretly provide tactical support and field Intel to FOX Operatives during missions as well as cleaning up after them, making sure that the operatives left no traces that they were ever there. Its overall purpose was to ensure ...
基于芘衍生物的二相二维卤键有机骨架的构建与表征,Synlett - X-MOL
通过X射线光电子能谱、红外光谱、粉末X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜和高分辨率透射电子显微镜监测 XOF-TPP 的形成,并进行了理论模拟。 小角 X 射线散射表明 XOF-TPP 以二维周期结构存在。 这种双相二维卤素键合有机骨架有望在超分子功能材料中得到实际应用。 Crystalline porous materials have received extensive attention due to their fascinating structures and wide range of …
Construction and Characterization of a Diphase Two-Dimensional …
We report a novel diphase two-dimensional (2D) halogen-bonded organic framework (XOF-TPP) based on 1,3,6,8-tetra(pyridin-4-yl)pyrene (TPP). XOF-TPP was constructed through [N···I+···N] interactions between the pyridyl groups of TPP and iodonium cations.
Construction and characterization of diphase 2D halogen-bonded …
2022年8月19日 · Herein, we reported a novel diphase 2D halogen-bonded organic framework (XOF-TPP) based on the 1,3,6,8-tetra (pyridine-4-yl)pyrene (TPP). XOF-TPP was constructed by the [N···I+···N]...
Steam Workshop::MGS5: TPP - XOF - Steam Community
This is the TPP XOF, they've got the new CVCs, the gasmask, some goggle bodygroups, and a bunch of decal options for their helmets, there's also a 90s navy seals skin. Credits to Ageha for shader tinkering.
用于选择性吸附脂肪酸蒸气的氨基型卤素键合有机框架:深入了解 …
在此,通过吡啶基修饰的三苯胺配体( TPPA)与碘鎓离子之间的 [N⋯I + ···N]相互作用,成功构建了新型氨基型二维XOF-TPPA 。 通过X 射线光电子能谱 (XPS)、1 H NMR、IR、TEM、HRTEM、PXRD、选区电子衍射 (SAED) 和理论模拟充分表征了XOF-TPPA的形成。 由于吡啶基 N 1之间供电子能力的差异原子和氨基 N 2原子,XOF-TPPA可用作 MeCOOH/EtCOOH 蒸气的有效且可回收的吸附剂。 XOF-TPPA对 MeCOOH 和 EtCOOH 蒸气的吸收能力分别为 418 和 173 mg g -1 …
Thieme E-Journals - Synlett / Abstract
We report a novel diphase two-dimensional (2D) halogen-bonded organic framework (XOF-TPP) based on 1,3,6,8-tetra(pyridin-4-yl)pyrene (TPP). XOF-TPP was constructed through [N···I + ···N] interactions between the pyridyl groups of TPP and iodonium cations.
Construction and Characterization of a Diphase Two-Dimensional …
We report a novel diphase two-dimensional (2D) halogen-bonded organic framework (XOF-TPP) based on 1,3,6,8-tetra (pyridin-4-yl)pyrene (TPP). XOF-TPP was constructed through [N···I+···N] interactions between the pyridyl groups of TPP and iodonium cations.
Construction and Characterization of a Diphase Two ... - 百度学术
We report a novel diphase two-dimensional (2D) halogen-bonded organic framework (XOF-TPP) based on 1,3,6,8-tetra (pyridin-4-yl)pyrene (TPP). XOF-TPP was constructed through [N···I+···N] interactions between the pyridyl groups of TPP and iodonium cations.
Mods :: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Browse 1,660 mods for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain at Nexus Mods
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