XOF - Metal Gear Wiki
XOF was first created by Major Zero as an unconventional support-unit to its CIA-counterpart, FOX, where members would secretly provide tactical support and field Intel to FOX Operatives during missions as well as cleaning up after them, making sure that the operatives left no traces that they were ever there. Its overall purpose was to ensure ...
XOF - Villains Wiki | Fandom
XOF are the overarching antagonists of the Metal Gear franchise. They are the main antagonists of the 2014 stealth/action video-game Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, as well in its 2015 sequel Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and minor antagonists in the 2018 non-canon spin off survival, Metal Gear Survive.
FOX、XOF、Cipher、Zero、骷髅脸 和 BB 是什么关系?【合金装 …
fox是零少校(Major Zero)和引领者建立的CIA秘密行动小组,约翰(John),任务代号裸蛇(Naked Snake),FOX部队的第一个探员。 Cipher是Zer秘密建立的另一组织,XOF就是这个组织里的一个特殊部队,由骷髅脸领导。 zero和big boss本来是朋友、战友关系,但因为魔童计划以及对引领者理念的不同理解而分道扬镳,各自建立了自己的组织,亦敌亦友吧。 骷髅脸在zero的命令下长期监视big boss,同时也对引领者的理念做出了自己的解释,所以他要消灭对这理念持 …
Skull Face - Metal Gear Wiki
Seeing it as the perfect opportunity, Skull Face ordered XOF forces, which included elite XOF assassin Quiet, to eliminate Big Boss and everyone else present at the hospital. While the mission was a failure, Skull Face had succeeded in covering his tracks and managed to gain control over Tretij Rebenok and the Man on Fire when they sensed his ...
Parasite Unit - Metal Gear Wiki
The Parasite Unit, also known as the Skulls, were an elite unit of parasite-enhanced super soldiers commanded by XOF commander Skull Face. Considered to be his most fearsome assets, the Parasite Unit were given high-priority missions that the average XOF soldier couldn't handle, given their...
XOF (Metal Gear) | Ultimate Pop Culture Wiki | Fandom
In the ensuing chaos, with two XOF troops having to drag Skull Face to safety due to his being too shocked at the existence of someone with a higher lust for revenge against Snake than even himself or the Man on Fire to even attempt to evacuate the premises by himself, XOF received heavy casualties and lost their commander Skull Face.
XOF - Soldiers Wiki
XOF was the army for Cipher, the main antagonist of the Metal Gear Solid V installments Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain. It was commanded by Skull Face. XOF began as a covert counterpart to FOX in the 1960s, but from 1975 to 1984, …
XOF (Metal Gear series) - NamuWiki
2025年2月26日 · It seems that the working team is completely unaware of the changes in the upper echelons of XOF. In 'Kingdom of Paris', an unfinished mission of which only a video was released, XOF's troops are shown suffering from Eli and Sahelanthropus, so it seems clear that the organization is alive and well.
XOF soldiers on Mother Base during the attack : r/metalgearsolid
2023年7月27日 · If you rewatch the scene, Big Boss shoots down an XOF helicopter, this helicopter is presumably what the XOF soldiers on that strut had used before disembarking and beginning their attacking on MSF. It is only when Boss shoots the helicopter down does he level the playing field and effectively strands the XOF soldiers on the sinking strut.
[幽灵行动X合金装备]XOF部队作战记录 - 哔哩哔哩
迫真xof,因为游戏原因很多地方不能还原 还有就是我打的比较菜