Solved - New install of 14.2 - The FreeBSD Forums
Dec 31, 2024 · test if xorg starts with bare minimum (none for usual, just a bit for x11/nvidia-driver*) once confirmed xorg starts fine with startx quite simple (2 terminals + alpha), install desktop environment (here, you'd preferred Mate just as myself) without display managers like lightdm and configure minimum ~/.xinitrc,
How to install xorg-x11-apps-7.7-21.el8.x86_64.rpm LOCALLY on …
I was previously able to download "xorg-x11-apps-7.7-21.el8.x86_64.rpm" and install it on a CENTOS Stream 9 machine using: dnf localinstall ./xorg-x11-apps-7.7-21.el8.x86_64.rpm But when I try running the same command line on CENTOS 8 I get:
Solved - Xorg does not detect the correct resolution.
Sep 20, 2022 · [root@freebsd123 ~]# xrandr xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1176 x 885, maximum 1176 x 885 default connected 1176x885+0+0 0mm x 0mm 800x600 60.00 85.00 75.00 72.00 56.00 0.00 1152x864 75.00 0.00 1024x768 85.00 75.00 70.00 60.00 0.00 1024x576 60.00 832x624 75.00 960x540 …
Solved drm-kmod / drm-61-kmod / amd issues starting xorg
Dec 16, 2024 · Id Refs Address Size Name 1 76 0xffffffff80200000 1f3db88 kernel 2 1 0xffffffff8213f000 1c5e8 geom_eli.ko 3 1 0xffffffff8215c000 5db918 zfs.ko 4 1 0xffffffff82738000 7808 cryptodev.ko 5 1 0xffffffff831f9000 152de8 radeonkms.ko 6 2 0xffffffff8334c000 86090 drm.ko 7 1 0xffffffff833d3000 22b8 iic.ko 8 2 0xffffffff833d6000 4120 linuxkpi_video.ko 9 3 …
Xorg: hardware-independant way to find if physical keyboard is …
Dec 14, 2024 · It's needed to alter GUI in order to help with input using touch screen. Pretty sure it's possible because various high-level software suites or programming environment (java, javascripts, desktop
Xorg - Intel HD Graphics - intel driver not working - The FreeBSD …
Mar 4, 2015 · Multiple problems on PC-BSD 10.1.1 using an Acer E5-511 laptop with an Intel N3530 SoC. Previous discussion on PC-BSD forums. 1. I have "Intel HD Graphics" on-chip video. VESA works. When testing another driver through the Xorg configuration wizard, neither of the intel or the intel-3d drivers...
xorg - RaspberryPi Graphical Application without desktop …
apt-get Install xorg apt-get Install xterm Setep 2: Create .initrc In the home directory create the file .xinitrc and put the commands of the graphical application nano {home_user}/.xinitrc
Xorg - No devices detected - The FreeBSD Forums
Jul 12, 2014 · I had installed FreeBSD 8.4 on my Samsung 300E5Z. First I had an issue installing the wireless driver which I fixed and then now I'm having an issue with installing the graphics driver. I saw the technical specification of my laptop and it uses nVidia so I installed the nVidia driver but now...
Xorg increase virtual screen size past 8192 x 8192
Oct 4, 2017 · Only after I was able to generate the current X Configuration in that xorg.conf.new file did it seem to work with the Virtual 16384 additions on the two screen sections. See full xorg.conf.new file and maybe you might need to follow a process like this by going into tty mode and killing your x-server to generate one. –
Optimising mouse control in Xorg | The FreeBSD Forums
Nov 30, 2008 · That should be the only pointing device in xorg.conf (unless you know what you're doing). You'll notice /dev/sysmouse in your dev filesystem — moused creates this. It is a virtual mouse device where the daemon sends all mousey data for X to use. So moused is running and Xorg is using it. Now you need to disable X's own mouse acceleration.