GitHub - greearb/xorp.ct: XORP is a routing protocol suite, …
XORP is a routing protocol suite, supporting OSPF, BGP, RIP, PIM, IGMP, OLSR and more. This repository is now the official XORP code repository.
XORP - Wikipedia
XORP is an open-source Internet Protocol routing software suite originally designed at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, California. The name is derived from eXtensible Open Router Platform .
GitHub - schintan/xorp: XORP is a routing protocol suite, …
XORP is a routing protocol suite, supporting OSPF, BGP, RIP, PIM, IGMP, OLSR and more. This repository is now the official XORP code repository. - schintan/xorp
XORP (eXtensible Open Routing Platform) - SourceForge
2014年6月27日 · XORP is the industry's only extensible open source routing platform. Designed for extensibility, XORP provides a fully featured platform that implements IPv4 and IPv6 routing protocols and a unified platform to configure them. Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.
Xorp架构下的XRL,Unix_TCP_ Socket与异步IO回调函数技术 …
Xorp架构作为一种高效、灵活的分布式通信框架,利用XRL(Xorp Request-Response Language)协议进行模块间通信,并结合TCP Socket和异步IO回调函数来实现高效的数据传输和事件驱动机制。
Xorp in Launchpad
2017年7月8日 · XORP is an open networking platform that supports OSPF, RIP, BGP, OLSR, VRRP, PIM, IGMP (Multicast) and other routing protocols. Most protocols support IPv4 and IPv6 where applicable. It is known to work on various Linux distributions and flavors of BSD. XORP started life as a project at the ICSI Center for Open Networking (ICON)
XORP - CORE Documentation - GitHub Pages
XORP is an open networking platform that supports OSPF, RIP, BGP, OLSR, VRRP, PIM, IGMP (Multicast) and other routing protocols. Most protocols support IPv4 and IPv6 where applicable. It is known to work on various Linux distributions and flavors of BSD.
XORP(1) - 魍魉魑魅 - 博客园
2011年7月2日 · xorp(可扩展性快放路由平台) 用c++编写. 充分利用 : 模板;多重继承。 xorp 结构设计 设计上,xorp是灵活的和模块化的。 由于xorp模块是分布式的架构,因此xorp模块可以分布在不同的机器上运行。 抽象转发引擎(fea) fe在操作系统内核里面
XORP - 百度百科
XORP (eXtensible Open Router Platform)是可扩展开放路由器平台,一个开源路由器软件栈, 也是行业内唯一的一个。
XORP开放路由器平台-使用案例教程 - 小牛知识库
在xorp中,转发引擎可以是unix系统中的转发引擎、click转发引擎,或者是由硬件转发。 在任意一个路由器中,开启转发功能或者禁用转发功能总是可取的。
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