XOT Optometry Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
Optometry XOT abbreviation meaning defined here. What does XOT stand for in Optometry? Get the most popular XOT abbreviation related to Optometry.
List of optometric abbreviations - Wikipedia
They are used to denote clinical conditions, examination techniques and findings, and various forms of treatment. Visual acuity with eye chart at Distant 20 feet (6 m) and with (cc: Latin cum correctore) correctors (spectacles); Dsc is without (sc: Latin sine correctore) correctors. See Visual_acuity#Legal_definitions.
ALT XOT Alternating exotropia ARC Anomalous retinal correspondence A/V Arteriole/Venue ratio BE Both Eyes BIO Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopy BSV Binocular single vision BV Binocular vision BVD Back vertex distance BVP Back vertex power CD Centration distance C/D Cup/disc ratio CF Count fingers vision – state distance c/o or c.o. Complains ...
Binocular Summation and Other Forms of Non-Dominant Eye …
2013年10月29日 · Abbreviations: AE = Amblyopic Eye, FE = Fellow Eye, Dom = Dominant Eye, XOT = Exotropia, SOT = Esotropia, Sup = suppression, DS = Dioptre Sphere, Δ = Prism Dioptres. The main purpose of this study was to examine how sensitivity in strabismic amblyopes compares to the sensitivities of the dominant (fixating) and non-dominant (deviating) eyes so ...
XOT: 超越COT/TOT/COT的思维框架 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年11月19日 · 解决思路:为了解决传统思维框架的局限性,提出了一种新的解决方案,名为“Everything of Thoughts”( XOT ),旨在增强LLMs推理过程中思维生成的关键属性,包括性能、效率和灵活性。
LLM之Prompt(三)| XoT:使用强化学习和蒙特卡罗树搜索将外 …
2023年12月11日 · 本文介绍了XOT,一种结合强化学习和MCTS的Prompt技术,能解决现有Prompt的局限性,如IOPrompt的单步限制和CoT、ToT、GoT的计算成本问题。 XOT通过与LLM协作,提高思维质量和效率,尤其在复杂任务如24小时游戏和空间推理中表现出色。
Ophthalmology/Optometry Eye Abbreviations - TimRoot.com
Tim Root: Araceli, the term “deep and quiet” is used to describe an eye without any inflammation in the anterior chamber. If you want to understand this better, you may find my slit-lamp lecture useful.
Optometric abbreviations - TranslationDirectory.com
Abbreviations are often used in optometric practice, and there have been attempts to compile lists of acceptable abbreviations. This article will try to collate this information in one area and also, where appropriate, indicate if the abbreviation may be region specific.
Measurement of Ocular Deviations - Measurement of Ocular
Simultaneous Cover Test (SPCT) SPCT measures manifest deviation only. Perform cover test to determine type & estimate angle of deviation. Prism of estimated strength placed before deviated eye while occluder simultaneously covers fixing eye (cover/uncover cover test). Keep increasing strength until reversal of squinting eye seen.
Exotropia Flashcards - Quizlet
Binocular when eyes are straight. Aim is to operate to reduce size of deviation and keep binocularity before decompensating completely to a constant XOT. In children, this will cause suppression and amblyopia if unilateral.