Phone Cases with Strap for your iPhone & Tech Accessories | XOUXOU…
Discover our beautiful Phone Cases with Straps, designed to hold the most essential accessory - your iPhone. We believe in hands-freedom. By combining the world of fashion and technology, we provide sophisticated and functional solutions for modern life on the go.
Phone cases with straps for iPhone | XOUXOU®
Discover our range of Phone Cases with Straps, designed to hold the most essential accessory - your iPhone. We believe in hands-freedom. By combining the world of fashion and technology, we provide sophisticated and functional solutions for modern life on the go.
Phone Cases with Strap for your iPhone & Tech Accessories | XOUXOU…
Soft Pastels to Bold Brights: Explore our colorful range of Phone Necklaces, Lanyards, Cases, Bags, and Accessories. Your browser does not support the video tag. The Fashion Statement with no compromises. A shell of strong, flexible, and recycled TPU polymer helps keep your phone safe from accidental drops or bumps.
XOUXOU Taiwan | iPhone全系列掛繩背帶手機殼與時尚包包配件
xouxou 是德國柏林創新的時尚科技品牌,為日常攜帶的手機提供多功能的解決方案,多款玩色扁帶掛繩手機殼與時尚包殼,讓你隨心變換各種時尚 ootd 創意風格,選擇 xouxou 釋放你的雙手,創造更多美好生活 。
iPhone Necklaces, Cases, and Accessories - us.xouxou.com
Keep your hands hands free wherever you go, and do it with style. Enjoy the classic case in selected Xouxou colors. Get modular with it. Mix and match and get your own combo out in the world. Expand the family of Xouxou products with our functional and stylish add-ons. Take the sleek Xouou designs into a new function entirely and complete the look.
XOUXOU Berlin - Phone Necklace - Wear Your iPhone Crossbody
Explore our collection of Phone Necklaces and accessories, and see what happens when you say yes to life hands free. The XOUXOU range now features over 1500 modular products to mix and match, fusing functional product design with fashionable style.
Durable iPhone Cases for iPhone - XOUXOU®
Discover our range of ergonomic, soft-touch cases crafted exclusively for your iPhone. The perfect balance of fashion and function. Available for iPhone 13, iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 Series. Optional with MagSafe. Our products are designed to seamlessly work with each other.
品牌故事 - XOUXOU
XOUXOU 是一個創新的時尚科技品牌,爲現代人提供輕鬆優雅的生活提案。它始於 2016 年,XOUXOU 品牌主理人 Yara Jentsch Dib 在她的第一個兒子出生不久後,正在尋找一些實用的東西,這樣她就可以將手機放在手邊,而不會經常放錯地方。
XOUXOU - 官方線上商店 | Pinkoi 全系列好評上架中
XOUXOU是德國手機掛繩品牌時尚的首選,設計師大膽的配色風格, 讓你的手機掛繩和手機殼成為目光的焦點, 忙亂中能更有效且快速的拿取手機, 因而設計出一款便於攜帶又能時尚穿搭的手機掛繩配件! #keepyourhandsfree
【手機殼分享】XOUXOU 來自德國的手機配件,FARBE 全包覆掛 …
2023年4月5日 · 於是才有本文主角,xouxou farbe 全包覆掛繩款手機殼。 目前台灣有官網可直接購買,不需要再找代購,可選購型號從iPhone11~14、各種尺寸都有。 我手上這款為黑色,內層是黃色的超細纖維內襯材質,比較不會出現灰塵跑入而導致的刮傷問題。
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